Heroic+ has a chance to become a big eSport

MDI for Retail’s M+ gets routinely 100k viewers every time it goes live, so do the speed run raid completions as well which bring very big sponsors.

With the introduction of Heroic+ and the recent blue post about them trying to push eSports I think Classic could very well gain a lot of attention if we all tuned in and supported Heroic+ related tournaments and streams.

WoTLK is one of WoW’s high points so maybe it might even compete with Retail’s M+ scene for views.

I mean, it’d be really cool if anything Classic could become an esport, but Heroic+ as we’ve heard it described is mostly going to be a catchup mechanic that drops the previous raid tier loot…

So, I doubt it’ll be esport worthy.

I mean it’s similar to the purpose of M+, although it doesn’t drop previous raid loot it acts as another way to gear up if you’re not into raiding or PvP.

If they brought in affixes and different difficulty modifiers I feel like it can have potential.

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It would be interesting if we had a way to verify this. I don’t think there’s really any reason to believe that anything you’re stating is evidence based.

it’s hard to follow on a 4-way split screen as teams do amazing snaps and cool plays. it’s fundamentally a dream that will never be an esport.

The Great Push is kinda fun to watch though, tbh.

I’d like to see teams play their retail mains though, same toons all the time. not perfect customized template toons. I’d like to see them play toons that we can relate to. No toon swapping, none of that.

RPG part of MMORPG says player = character. I think using toons as pawns is a turnoff to me.

I’m talking about the purpose behind Retail M+, it’s meant as an alternate method of gearing.

I’m just pointing out if H+ gets similar features as M+ in terms of modifiers and levels of difficulty it would be super cool.

I could see myself playing H+ more than anything else.

i know this is a bait post as per usual but uh heroic + is more like m0s than m+

actually, heroic + is a m0, and not m+

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I would too.

Imagine if they just ported over the existing M+ system though and just renamed it to H+ and we get weekly affixed and stuff.

That would honestly make a lot of people play more as it diversifies the content.

i mean obviously i would enjoy that but yea idk if that’s a good idea chief

it’d also open wide the door for ‘it replaces raiding’ in an expansion that was already struggling with its raiding identity due to 10v25.

I mean i think even during ulduar we will run into the problem of people only raid logging

and ulduar and icc are considered “some of the best (lol)” raids of all time. people will still only raid log

The open world of azeroth in classic is only so big when you’re in bis.

Yeah I was gonna say that too, raiding gear would be impacted a lot by it.

If they did do it they would have to find a way to equalize iLevels based on difficulty but maybe not have it overtake raid gears.

Idk how that would work but man I would rather just run H+ with affixes than raids lol, the raids in Wrath are kinda bland for me.

M+ is like the best system blizzard has ever put in to give people a reason to log into the game other than raid logging.

M+ is a great addition to the game but it suffers from balancing issues when the team is so small. half the classes might as well be deleted in a game mode that’s M+ centric.

Yeah you’re not wrong, garekeeping will def go to new heights with M+.

But idk how they’re going to even stop the raidlogging, esp now with Naxx being done and people already feeling bored with what’s available. They gotta find a way to shake it up imo

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I mean this is just classic in general no? Like what is there really to do “in the open world” besides world pvp once you’re in full BiS just looking for gear from raid

The classic cycle is always the same. get preraid → raid log → get gear → go for parses → raid log

people say classic is “time consuming” but is it really besides the first phase of the expansion?

You grind a lot at the beginning of the expansion so that you can raid log later.

So what you’re saying is… give classic it’s own version of M+?

I mean, if the majority of people who “main classic” want it… go for it, but I am just indifferent… I want some QoL updates, but the game at it’s base to stay the same as it was… but I’m also only playing classic for nostalgia and not as a main game, I personally prefer retail, just not SL. Lol.

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Is this 2019 info?

Maybe 100k views on full video. Not viewers.

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The viewership is like 10k these days. Most boring content on the internet. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!