Campaign Failure forced my Canceled Sub

Yes, there are still mechanics in normal dungeons. Nothing like the serious mechanics in the mythic+, but if someone doesn’t pay attention in normal, they can still die. It all comes down to paying attention.

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“here, arachnophobe…lets douse you in a pit of spiders…its only 15 minutes so you’ll live”
Clearly they have NO compassion for others.
Its nauseating.

What doesn’t make sense to me is people suddenly “discovering” things they hate about the game that have been in the game for 20 years.

Whether that’s dungeon quests, or quests at all, or there being a faction split, or whatever… it’s like, where have they been the last 20 years that they suddenly find this out and quit over it?

Some just don’t realise how things might affect others. Brewa is a good person from what I’ve experienced and knows more about the game than most, but shows a complete lack of empathy that others might just not have things as easy.

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It’s probably the Halls of Infusion part you unlock at Valdrakken 24 (I think).

The part where you meet up at Tyrhold with the dragon council and find out that Tyr was Batman, with a secret contingency plan for everything.

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It’s not dungeon quests that are the issue but dungeons being necessary to complete the campaign. Difference. Nobody has an issue with the other dungeon quests. It’s not about missing out on rewards or not wanting to put in effort but about having to do content you don’t enjoy/that gives you anxiety to be able to do content you would enjoy if only it wasn’t locked behind your own personal hell for no obvious reason.



I nearly always like their posts even when I disagree…but TWENTY YEARS of helping my wife get thru her social anxieties and SEEING the torment she has gone thru is enough for me to nearly work up a nice good ‘hate’ for those who have no compassion for others


You do you, I guess. Though it’ll be hard to find an MMO that doesn’t do Dungeons.

It’s earlier on in Valdrakken, as I haven’t made it that far and did it a couple of weeks ago.

It’s only 15 minutes? Really?


Ohh the post-leveling renown campaign. Hadn’t thought about that.

Aren’t those technically also optional? Could just… Ignore those and look at youtube if you wanted the story/lore.

The only time I can think of Halls of Infusion being “mandatory” is for the 4th Spark quest as you need to kill the first boss in there for the quest item. But even then, you don’t have to do the Spark quests. Can always get gear from elsewhere to fill in gaps for not doing crafted gear.

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Like m+ :eyes:

It’s according to the group and how fast they take it, but yes, it’s really easy. Obvious mechanics. Just follow along, watch the others in the group and if you see something coming at you like waves or balls, just move over. It was really painless. The last dungeon I did was in BfA with my guildies… I have a little anxiety that I’m trying to work through. I don’t like small closed in areas which is why I like to progress in the open world quests.


WQs rewards gear, no? Or is that somehow not sufficient to do content outside of dungeons/raids?

If they really don’t want to do raids or dungeons, that’s a downside to choosing to restrict themselves like that. /shrug

It’s the length of the dgs that I dislike. Hurts to sit in one place that long so if it’s only about 15 or less, that’d be okay for me.

the elemental storms are excellent for gear. 385 at the top and they can be upgraded to tier pieces.

Oh I was mostly joking cause I find the idea of someone ending up getting KSM because they need gear and are trying hard to avoid having to do dungeons for the campaign and can’t do crafted gear amusing :sweat_smile:

Thank you! I forgot about that. That’s also another option.

There’s also the world pvp gear that you can collect tokens for that can be converted to 385 pvp gear with trophies.

Oh. I thought you were being sarcastic with me, oop. That is amusing, yes. Lol

Quitting over a 15 minute normal dungeon is the most Sunday thing I’ve read in awhile. Who knew that the Massive Multiplayer Online game would present the player with group content?

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To answer what major game does not require group content to complete any campaign. ESO for one. There is group content there for you if you want it, never intrudes into completing the main story line.