im not paying them to trouble shoot the game, I’m paying them to play it without bugs
Same problem - Trampler Zul’jin
can anyone with a twitter @ them at all?
I also cannot complete this quest. I’ve tried having her summon 2 sets of spirits, and clicking one set completely away before she rings the bell again, and that did not work. I turned off and on war mode, and that did not work. I’ve reloaded my UI, the game, and my internet.
Judging by my experience and the (currently 76) posts here of other people experiencing the same issue, it seems Blizzard completely broke their game in a hotfix, preventing any players just starting the campaign to be roadblocked by a bugged story quest.
Honestly, I don’t know why we expected differently.
I’ve heard many things are low there. morals, standards…
I clicked Support --> Submit Bug Report and wrote it in game lol
Came here for double report
Same issue. Tarren Mill
same issue, cannot proceed with campaign - server barthilas
It sent me straight to forums
And pants!
This is happening to me aswell.
I m also suffering from this issue happened to me 3 seperate times as I cancelled and picked up the quest again Helene refuses to acknowledge that you aided her the other 2 npcs however work fine.
Same issue on Dath’Remar
Yes indeed. broken. Guess I’ll level fishing.
Same issue on Mannoroth-Horde
i mean i guess i can just go ahead and get all my level 50’s to this point and wait
Update: Works in groups! - Barthilas
A group of people doing the same quest or just a group with anyone?
Yep, Helene stops on first wave of memories. Have abandoned the quest 3 times and retried and still doesn’t work.
Why though? Once you finish it on your main you skip this entire 4-zone quest chain on your alts and can just start leveling in your chosen Cov right away :o