Campaign: A Temple In Need

Issue when speaking to Disciple Helene. Unable to progress quest after “aiding”

Multiple players with issue.

Frostmourne, Horde, 8:25PM Server Time


having the same problem 10 of us around her waiting for it to work


Yep. It’s broken.

Same issue

Having the same issue

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Yes, same issue. After clicking on the first wave of mobs from the memories, she doesn’t ring the second bell to continue with the quest. – Proudmoore, Alliance, 3:41am CST.

Edit: I was able to fix this. A friend of mine was ahead of me story-wise. He party-synced with me and we both went to Stormwind to turn on WM. Went back to the Temple of Purity - I abandoned and restarted the quest. He talked to Helene and was able to do that part of the quest for me - I got credit just fine.

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Same issue here - Frostmourne, Alliance, 8:30PM server.

Clicking the spirits after speaking with Disciple Helene does not advance the quest or give credit.

Same issue here. Sargeras.

Good thing we can choose to go to a different zone then huh.
…oh wait.


Same issue :frowning: I’ve even dropped and picked up the quest multiple times. Still bugged. :frowning: Wyrmrest Accord. Horde.

Can confirm same issue alliance side, Frostmourne. Clicked everything, no credit given, and talking to the NPC again does nothing. Logged out to try and fix it and now stuck in a damn queue. Maybe blizz shouldn’t have merged servers if they end up “full” afterwards

Can confirm on Windrunner. 4:42AM EST 1:42 realm time
Kinda just vibing here, I guess…

Frostmourne alliance same issue

Same issue - Bronzebeard Horde.

Cannot move forward :frowning:

Party also affected, Barthilas 8:44 AEST

Same issue, Horde Trollbane. Tried abandoning the quest and restarting it, but nothing changes.

Same issue here - Alliance Frostmourne…

I am also having the same issue Rexxar-Horde.

Having the same issue, Illidan Horde

Same issue, Barthillas 20:43 SVT. Attempted quest multiple times after abandoning.