Calm the Wolf

The plot thickens

Maybe NE were humans that were infected with the Amazon virus.

Tails for elves! I should make a mega-thread…

That wasn’t an argument, it was a statement of fact.

Well, this has been fun kids, but let me just highlight one of my first posts in this thread:

Thank you for the entertainment lol, I’d better get back to work.

This would be neat - as a wolf form.

Ya know what else we need?

Red foxy colored looking Worgens with their bushy tails. :point_down:

And hair, don’t forget the hair.

This would have been more possible if they had stuck with the original concept for player worgen. They had real hairstyles instead of manes.

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But your use of the NE eye option makes one wonder.

Obviously, looking at your character we see that things that never were available to players are now, after a change in the game, open to players.

Unless you are specifically targeting one specific option for one specific race.
Although that kinda sounds a lot like:
“I got mine, you don’t get to have yours”

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But orcs were always supposed to stand up straight, except the old ones and peons.

All orcs being hunched was the lore mistake here.

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Is exactly as valid rhetorically as

Rendering your position moot when JUST from worgen perspective. You must add new facts and evidence or it stays just as moot. The weight of those facts and evidence is subjective, but when I’m pulling from same fictional universe and game, while you pulled from a decade old movie… I don’t think it is unreasonable to say my facts are better.

…then add that “they do, and have in the past.” with Draeni and you’re in the red rhetorically.

False. I’ve explicitly stated some of it but here are the points that matter:

company, fictional universe, and game

lore amendment necessary to legitimize change

The differences are not relevant to the discussion, beyond assisting my position.

Adding a tails is no different than a new hairstyle. But at least you’ve shown you don’t know what a “strawman” is. :slight_smile:


Honestly I’ve seen a bunch of people that just want the accent lol

First post best post.

Worgen deserve a tail customization after blizzard openly mocked them with drac’s /silly emote. /spit -ing on people is against the rules cause it hurts people’s feelings?

Well Double standard blizz, making an emote to SPECIFICALLY HURT the feelings of worgen players who have asked just for an option to use the ALREADY RIGGED TAIL BONES that have been in the game since CATACLYSM! We’ve seen vulpera, we know its not a technology issue, it is ONCE AGAIN a pride issue

Thank you for not including tails. Worgen need options that make are more monstrous in tone, less animalistic. Bloody muzzles, scars on our human forms, etc.

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Yeah since this guy doesn’t want tails, none of the millions of worgen characters should have the option to have them. How entitled of those worgen to go against YOUR preferences am I right?

Dude the race doesn’t have tails. Choose a different race. Several others have tails. It’s weird to change it now, especially when the only thing I think it contributes is leaning towards (in my fair opinion) the wrong tone.

Why don’t they have tails?

In my opinion, it was a conscious and smart choice. Werewolves are typically depicted as being without tails, which creates a more unnatural appearance.

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Much can be changed, blizzard always showed that.
I could name some customization options that have been introduced in recent years, that would make little sense if we take historical fantasy into account.

Or just Warcraft’s own history.

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Yup… tauren rogues, I’m glad people have the option even if it seems kinda silly… undead priests too

I haven’t cared about tails one way or the other for a long time, but this verbal slaughter is pushing me in their favor.

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Optional… key word here. If I want a tail and you want a monkey butt at the end of the day we are still Worgen. I have my look I want you have your look you want and everyone is happy. Why people don’t understand that that is mind breaking.

The concept art had a tail. Blizzard ran out of time before Cata went live and we almost didnt even get a female Worgen in time. That is why we went from a fairly nice looking model to the Abomination for 10 years. Worgen player base was hit hard due to how bad the model was and Blizzard just ignored years and years of feedback about the race cause according to them. “Not enough players are playing the race to justify doing any work on them…” but it was catch 22 as Blizzard was the ones who put out one of the worst models in WoWs history and then said… Oh well no one want to play them we will ignore them.

Until 2006 (or whenever they finalized the BC story) Eradar and Draeni were as different as Orcs and Humans. The retcon was pretty extensive. Among other things, they had to rewrite the whole Legion origin. I’d argue BC required more, and more significant, retcons to legitimize the story than even Shadowlands. As I recall a lot of this had to happen even after the release of BC because they bungled the lore cohesion so badly.