Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

I’m trying to play a game, not become a professional 3D model maker with Blender.

Sorry you’re just wrong. More body types makes RPGs better :clap:


Yeah, it is a lot of options, but you only need to do it once.

We seem to agree on the result, not the method though.

How am I wrong ? Are you saying if a person is slender and short, they can’t possibly be a male ?

That’s pretty bigoted.


Inb4 the alt addicts comment.

LOL, it might drive them insane.

You’re wrong that androgynous body’s don’t exist. I have one.


This statement is actually hilarious. Its like one intentionally tries to not know what an androgynous body type is.

You stated I was here posting with visceral anger. For example.

TBH I dont even know what your actual opinion is on the body type 1/2 matter.


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And then there’s the barber shop…

They are still male or female.

You are still male or female, regardless of your other physical characteristics.

We all know “It’s Pat!”.

That’s exactly what it means, but it doesn’t mean the person isn’t male or female.

No, that was a general statement about people reporting OP and vehemently disagreeing this topic can be discussed, but I’m starting to think you’re included yes.

Should be reverted. After all, it’s not important.


You’re wrong and I’m reporting you for misgendering me.


I literally did not even gender you at all, so this is just trolling.


I am pretty sure that wasn’t the point of discussion.

Yet you directed it personally at me.

If you want to make the claim its not important, why should it be reverted?

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You literally did, after three times being told I’m not either.


Holy crap man, don’t even go there because that’s not true. Identity is noncorporeal, who we are has little to do with specifics that can fail with a single ‘mutation’. I’m intersex, I’m not either but a blend of both that chooses the identity of male.

You can’t say things like that.

I think we can see from the person’s latest reply that he’s just trolling.

Or do you know want to also say I “misgendered” them by not even attributing a single gender at all in my statements ?

If the hat fits.

I referred to sex, not gender though. And I didn’t attribute a single one.


I don’t even know what’s going on anymore.

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I exist. My body is real. I don’t fit either gendered terms. Thanks.


In before deleted.

LGBTQ threads, never deleted. Even when made by a known troll.

Any thread about body type and male/female, deleted.

But they call it “equality” - but honestly what’s happening to anyone who wants things to still be as they were, even with a toggle/option, it’s honestly making me resent the side wanting these changes. And that isn’t helping inclusion, if anything it’s going to make it worse as one side will end up bitter towards the other for ruining everything we like and believe in.


That’s been my general feeling towards modern politics…