Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

To add to Wrath Classic still using “he” and “she” pronouns, I took a look at Retail’s version of Death Strike, and the tooltips read like “first person”. Instead of using any gender pronoun, they use the “possessive noun” like “you” and “your” which is the way it should be.

We’re not talking about politics. And we’re not going to.

No LGBTQ threads are talking about how gender conforming bodys should/shouldn’t exist, that’s the difference. They’re talking about gay ships or monster hunter or whatever.


This ‘body type’ stuff is literally (gender) politics being brought into the game.


No, but they try to force their choices and beliefs on everyone. Like why is EVERYONE suddenly expected to give pronouns now etc. It has to stop. Seriously. I respected LGBTQ but the more stuff gets forced on me, the more against those activists I am. I support equality, but right now it feels LGBTQ is taking over and changing everything. Losing gender titles included. Some of us rather be called our gender without being called “body type”


They could have just called them Feminine and Masculine and that would have sounded better. Body 1 and Body 2 is just… eh.

It’s more vague than saying outright male/female while still being accurate.

I think we’re switching definitions around here. But whatever, the time I made my original post tells me I’ve been here for 2 hours. I need to get out of here.

Yep. I find it funny how the “he” and “her” pronouns are still displayed in the tooltip, despite having “gender neutral” body type options. Obviously, the coding is there to remove the gender specific pronouns, but it’s not included in Wrath Classic LOL

I’mma look at perma Vanilla Classic, now and see how those tooltips read. Granted, they don’t have the Body Type option, but that’s irrelevant. I just want to see if they use gender specific pronouns :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nope they don’t.

A label on an icon doesn’t stop you from believing anything you wanna believe about what that button represents. Anti-LGBTQ+ trolls literally sit here crying about that button label you see for all of 5 seconds when in the barber shop. You guys care far more then us lmao


Good man person, don’t fall into the forum trap

So why change it from male/female then?

/end thread


Because they’re obviously going to add more body types…?

I absolutely did. At least twice.

I’ve invested almost nothing in it. Takes me 30 seconds to make a post. This isn’t “energy.” LOL

Real cute. :roll_eyes:

No it doesn’t. Use some logic and stop being dramatic. I’m muting this trash thread and hope it gets deleted.

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Except I honestly doubt that. That’s the ONLY THING that would make me except the change.

We all know that isn’t why it was changed. And that more body types aren’t coming.


You can say man in context like that referring to me. Just don’t say I am a man.

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They are and you’re wrong :slight_smile: Bookmark this and come back when it’s out to apologize


A lot of expressions definitely don’t sound nearly as good with pronouns removed

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Who are you to define how I define things?

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I will. I been playing this game since 2009. Adding more body types to all the existing races would be way, way too much work. People have asked for far less and been told it isn’t possible due to how much work it would take. Simple things like hair styles etc.

And, now you lied about “letting it be”. OK, blocking you, now. You just wanna argue. I’ve proven Wrath Classic uses “he” and “she” pronouns, when you thought I was lying about that, but you still wanted to argue with me about something else. I’m done.

Blocking you, so I won’t feel enticed nor compelled to respond. Get the last word in, if you must. As I’ve already proven Wrath Classic uses “he” and “she” pronouns to the respective body types they’re locked to.

GL and have a nice day!

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