Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

Pronoun selection is in dev builds right now :slight_smile:


Something like the Black Desert character creator would be nice, as long as there are options to make your character actually look like an adult.

Oh, here we go, again :roll_eyes:

Difference between “can’t be done” and “too much work”.

Seeing as how Bilzz re-did ALL of the old world to implement flying into the world, they can take the time and effort to put in a slider. But getting Blizz to do anything is the tricky part. IK they’re too lazy to really do anything, these days.

When they relate it to gender and identity. There’s too many. As I’ve said, game would look like a xylophone coming out of that patch.

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Srsly. The Kul’Tiran skeleton rigs in retail use the Vrykul skeleton rig. I’d love to customize a Kul’Tiran to appear more lean like a Vrykul.

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That’s not how bodies work… You’re biggotry is just getting in the way of common sense now


Funny thing, it’s not even called body type one or two, it’s literally a choice of two icons with silhouettes of a male and female body. The only people even using the terms type 1/2 are the dog whistlers and fake outraged transphobes.

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Yet most of my replies now have been to you.

Because well. You keep making things up about me. And that is something I find important. I am not a big fan of people either outright lying about me, or pushing misinformation about me.

So you changed the topic of the conversation, and when I respond to this new topic…you some how use that reply count to measure my “importance” of a subject matter we aren’t even discussing?


Should I just move on since you don’t have the maturity to just…discuss?

I mean yes. They could completely redo the entire engine, every single bit of artwork, how gear literally works in WoW. But that isn’t some small walk in the park.

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But why not put back the obvious sexes, Male and Female, and then put in actual customizations like Height and Weight ?

Rather than just an all encompassing “Body type” that literally offers no additional customization that wasn’t already there.

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Oh no, I better watch out now, I’ve been called a bigot again, good lord.

Look, body type is how folk have been wanting or stating Blizzard to replace gender with so it can be “neutral”.

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So? They should’ve worked on this like ages ago instead of taking the shortcut with this Body Type nonsense.

A height slider at least would be nice since every male character of each race is the same height and every female character of the same race is the same height. Only important NPCs are taller.

Does that happen to you often?



Yeah, because I dared to infer that no, disagreement is no dishonest.

And that somehow needs to be challenged. Dissent is impossible and thus needs to be squashed.

Because all of this is really unimportant… somehow.

because androgynous body types exist. I have one. Thanks.


That would be like creating an entire new game at that point.

Once again. A massive change. Its not “being lazy”. Its “no new expansions for 6 years”.

Incorrect. Its because you kept saying things about me factually wrong.

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Only when a certain level of arrogance is achieved by any outside party.

There’s no such thing as completely androgynous humans, we’re a dimorphic species. A slender, short male is still a male same as a tall and bulky female is still a female.

Height and Weight allows you to make your character’s body into any type you want, regardless of its chosen sex.

Name one fact that is wrong that I said.

Oh you mean I have a different opinion than you. See what I mean that you feel this is important ? You’re literally here to squash dissent.


Not really. Again, they literally changed the whole old world, to implement flying.

Yes, destroying the old world to implement flying is a MASSIVE change. It is being lazy, and we still got expansions even though they were working on destroying the old world, just to get flying to work. I don’t want this today nor tomorrow. I just expect a slow process of “working on it” instead of looking for shortcuts to avoid doing their job.