Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

TL’DR: Body 1 and Body 2 feels objectifying to my person as mere shapes of what a “Human” is, almost like it’s defecting me from the entire species of Human like I’m some alien experiment where the aliens just call me by my shape.

Additionally this feels so neutral that it prevents me from associating myself as masculine or feminine at all. So good job. Why do others like me in the LGBTQ+ keep asking for this crap when the truth is we will never be satisfied with how the present society approaches our needs?

Complete Post:

This Body 1 and Body 2 crap feels like I’m some alien’s subject being lined up for experimentation and they only ever regard me by the shape of my body because they don’t understand proper terminologies.

Being thrown into categories like “Other” still does not rectify any issue with the objectification that is becoming our own class of species at this point. Everyone is like: “We don’t know where to put you or what to call you anymore so this is as neutral as we can get to the point of objectifying your person as barely even Human anymore. You’re just a bunch of shapes.”

Yeah. “Barely even Human anymore” is not equality nor is it inclusion. In fact it’s the opposite and everyone that has nothing to do with it suffers for it as well. Is this really what the majority of us want? I see people fighting tooth and nail for the specifics but then I see things like “By definition I am transgender but I don’t identify as trans” and even me, born intersex, don’t identify as a man but I identify as male and just call myself male-intersex.

You cannot realistically expect anything to include everything that we are, because on a global scale Human society itself still cannot handle us and we keep to ourselves behind closed doors, only coming out during times like Pride Month or when we congregate in areas to herd up with our own like prey animals [LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge] feeling safer in numbers.

I am unhappy with literally everything I have seen that is related to our inclusion and diversity of identities because all that resulted from our ‘demands’ was everything becoming bland, empty and grey. And it has made me even more mad at those like me who pestered and pestered and pester still even for “moar options”, seeking to turn a simple game into a xylophone.

I hate the saying “Everyone is unique”, because I’m reminded of our entire society that seeks to neutralize this beautiful factor so damn much in the effort to make everything ‘equal’. Yeah well I got news for you:

When everyone is special, no one is.

I’m fully prepared to see this post deleted by tonight. I am just so upset by so much building up that I couldn’t not say anything.


you’re making a big to-do about nothing.


Who are you to define how I choose to express myself anyways?


when you throw those expressions out on the internet for anyone to comment on, people are gonna comment.

mountain out of a molehill

it doesn’t matter if it says “body 1”, “male”, “kumquat”, or “snarflebarflebang”. just pick the one you want and go on with your day. this isn’t something that needs the amount of introspection and angst you’re tossing at it and us.


It’s the irresponsibility of Human nature I swear, to just go tell a lion to be a dog is all I’m saying.

People explode eventually when little things build up you could say. How big that hole gets is how long they’ve been containing it.


the lion doesn’t care if you call it a dog. it’s just a label, not a declaration of his being.


Sure, if you want to get really technical.

Tell that to literally anybody in the LGBTQ+ Lounge and say they can just get over the labels they all “complain” about.

You can see plain as day with just that and the absolute monsoons that follow it, it’s very reasonable to be bothered about.


I 100000000000000000000% guarantee you never once even paid attention to the Male or Female label on character creation.

Subconsciously, you just clicked the one that looked like what you wanted.

Likewise, you almost certainly will not notice Body Type 1 or Body Type 2. You will click which you want to make, and never even notice it again.

Y’all are making a big stink over something that has no effect on you.


To be fair, my characters are not related to my irl body at all. I hear you about the body type feeling objectifying, I like the image about aliens referring to us by our shape.

However, why does it feel that you can’t align your characters with masculinity or femininity because of the title change? I feel that the way you describe your character is up to you and not the game. Rita is a gnome woman who runs a small assassination business out of her local library. The game doesn’t know that - to the game, she is just pixels.

She can be body type 2 gnome morph combination 916482 or whatever, but she means something else to me and the way the game registers that won’t bother me.


You pick a body>customize it>name it>log in>never having to see it again and never impacts your actual gameplay nor immersion.

Don’t die on this hill, get angry about BEING angry at blizzard >:(


i like you more and more every post you make.


Yeah I am not reading all that


1000000000000% agree, but it’s the focus you put on it when you do and I see all kinds of people praising this as some kind of ‘definitive’ cure to identity expression, so I look at it for a brief moment from this perspective and bam.

“This doesn’t feel right.” and then you catch yourself repeatedly seeing that again and again in little increments for the course of who knows how long. And then you hit a point where you make threads like this.

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But, Maizou runs one out of the no-kill shelter that helps rehabilitate animals. We can’t have two secret assassins. En garde!


Apart from a couple people, the vast majority of people “putting focus on it” are people like the OP, getting their pants in a bunch over it.


Not even the TL’DR? Do you want me to shorten 2 small paragraphs?

I am the OP. And I won’t be the only one.

I’ll tire out eventually once it’s all vented, but damn. It’s just a game, which can be pointed directly to my own OP, but I see others wanting to turn it into a complicated conundrum.

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Oh no I died! Please bring me to the Bahamas, it’s in my will.

Additionally, my will stipulates that the ticket must be first class and the hotel must be 4.5 stars or above.


I read at least that much if it makes you happy

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You aren’t. Again, the vast majority of people “bringing focus to it” are people like you, who are trying to make a stink over it.

The people who this affects are for the majority, just silently happy. Apart from a certain troll everyone knows, there’s been like one post all of alpha/beta praising Blizzard for it. Everyone else is just happy they added it. They didn’t “bring focus to it.” And if you mean wowhead, newsflash, they cover everything that happens in the game.


Blizzard was the one that made a stink over it first, to be fair. It was never an issue until THEY made it an issue.