Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

I think OP’s post should be unflagged - seems very intolerant and exclusive for this to be hidden.


That’s their problem and not yours, so again why mald over it when it doesn’t affect you lol

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That’s ridiculous. The options are still clearly male or female bodies, just with the label removed. Like taking the ‘cheese’ label off of cheese in the dairy section, then claiming that people can just imagine it’s whatever type of food they want, even though everyone can still see that it is cheese.


I’m not human.

Everyone has a body type, and there are many many more then just 2. stop crying.

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I mean, when I don’t care about something, I don’t respond to people or even read the threads.

Better than : “People who disagree with the change aren’t honest”. Which is a total non-argument and frankly a gross assumption about people’s intent.

Not any less serious than people saying “This change isn’t important, why do you care”. I care about as much as Blizzard care to change it in the first place.

Check back to OP, tell me again how this isn’t “visceral”. Pretty damn quick for a “post hidden by community”.


I guess only you are allowed to have non-arguments and gross assumptions about a person’s intent.


Literally the first post under OP is a non argument. You had a non argument.

I’m just saying at least be honest and stop pretending you don’t think this is important. You do find this important. You wouldn’t still be here arguing if you didn’t.

You know, before calling others dishonest.


Don’t. We’ll start seeing Body 3 and Body 4 and Body 5 and-

Because it affects me.

Agree, that’s why I want a slider.

I am just asking you to live by your own standards.

I also feel like you keep mixing the plural “you” and the singular “you”.

At least I hope so. Which is also strange.

I dont find it important. Once again. Live by your own standards.

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I seen those get crazy in other MMORPGs. The one in Dragon’s Prophet is… nightmare fuel.

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So? Let people “slide” their preferred body types instead of this pandering nonsense…for the Wrath Servers, at least…

So the change from male and female to body type 1 and body type 2 directly affects you? What’s wrong with 3, 4, or 5 either? Folks come in all shapes and sizes it would be nice to have more customization options. I’d love to make a leaner Kul’Tiran fella.

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My standard is that this is an important discussion topic.

Oh look, I’m being entirely consistent.

If the hat fits.

Yet here you are. And you’re going to respond again to this post. It’s sooooooo not important, that you absolutely need to point out anyone who disagrees is dishonest. Really unimportant stuff.

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Sliders most likely cant be done with WoW in general, without a complete redo of…well. everything.

Its not typically something that can just be added to older games.

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What is wrong with having more character customization? We should be able to pick from 20 different body types… it’s an RPG? There are already numerous body shapes that exist that only NPCs can be


This is just awful.

Blizzard, get on this and FIX IT. If you’re going to assume I don’t have a gender, you better use my proper, non-gendered pronouns as well.

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But if you call him the wrong thing in lion language, he may get upset.

That’s more slider-esque you’re talking about. The way they have it done with Dracthyr is fine to me honestly. Though I once joked that it should be able to go to 11, body type 11 being ditching the wings and being a full-on Drakonid.