Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

There needs to be more mohawks in the game I won’t lie. I’m really surprised that I don’t come across as many “punk” type characters on my RP realm. I bet it exists a lot for Orcs though. Damn Horde.

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That would be dope, not going to lie.

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Dracthyr don’t exist in Wrath Classic.

Seems like you do, to argue over what you call “nothing”.

I’m part of “people”.


If body types don’t share customizations and have differences in customizations then i don’t really get what the point of this change was. All games ive played that have body types instead of male/female give access to the same hair and facial hair to both genders :angry: body type 1 male characters should also have access to body type 2 necklaces and eyeshadow

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Ok. I will be more specific.

The people typically disagreeing with the change say things such as
“gender is being removed”
“my character is no longer male (or female)”
“pronouns are being removed from the game”
“they are asking for 200+ different body types!”

These are inherently dishonest statements in this conversation. They are also things commonly stated by people who make threads to complain.

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One of us!! One of us!!

I want this Death Knight to be able to wear a pretty necklace, ngl that’d look good on him.

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It’s why I just want body sliders. To make your characters as “buff” or “slender” as you want. With all the same hairstyles and customizations.

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Maybe it was a stepping stone change to bigger changes. I would like to see more options / customizations etc added in and feel that they are working on ways of doing that.

Could be a stepping stone for other things to come. Who knows.

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And the people saying “this change doesn’t matter!” aren’t ?

Like if it didn’t matter that much, why are you reporting OP and responding to the thread with such visceral anger at the opposing camp ?

People have got to get over themselves and think there’s only a single unifying opinion on this.

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Honestly the “gender is being removed” statement with the Dracthyr Body Types are the same people saying Blizzard is removing normal flying because of Dragon Riding.

I’ve already covered this too.

And you’d be wrong.

No, you werent targeted. Let’s not argue semantics so that yiu can try to be offended.

As a matter of fact, this conversation is completely circular and useless. I’m done.

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Imagine malding over something that doesn’t even affect you.


I didn’t think it mattered much either way.

I haven’t reported anyone, or shown visceral anger.

I mean. yeah.

People annoyed with this change, who make threads complaining about this change. Have regularly stated that all gender is being removed from their character, even in game.

I am merely highlighting how many people who make threads to complain, push misinformation.

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No, you didn’t.

I’d only be “wrong”, if you actually didn’t invest so much time and energy into this “conversation”. But, you do you.

That doesn’t change that I’m part of “people”.



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Tell that to the folk bothered by the Male/Female gender labeling in the character selection screen and telling Blizzard to be more neutral/inclusive.

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Yet here you are, in a multi-quote response on the topic. Seems to matter more than you let on.

And ? People are annoyed with lots of changes and make threads about those changes.

Why does this topic require such a visceral response more than say the placement of Mighty Bash in the Druid talent tree ?

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The Body type change does make sense for Retail. I just don’t understand it, for Wrath Classic. Especially when Wrath Classic still uses “he” and “she” pronouns.

You know I haven’t looked at druid beta talents. I should probably do that.


“you have the audacity to participate in this conversation, so you care very deeply about this being changed”

What an argument man.

You can’t be serious.

You keep using the word “visceral”, but I am not sure you know what it means at this point. Please break out your dictionary or thesaurus.

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