Calling it Body 1 & Body 2 feels objectifying

You’re the one with enough to press the caps key.

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I don’t see any pandering. I see Dracthyr having four body types that might eventually carry over to other different body types for others. I see an easy way of coding ng things on the updated engine.

Emphasis isnt outrage. You’re the one who made yet another troll thread on this stuoid topic.


Yes this is also true

But most adult/teen focused games are gonna have mature themes which includes politics. Also if you buy a Game with “War” in the title expecting it to be non political don’t know what to say

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I barely see anyone praising this.

I see a lot of people like you blowing this out of proportion. I thought we were over the fad of complaining about this particular issue.

You aren’t. A lot of people have blown this out of proportion. I am sure more will. THats what people do here.

Make mountains out of mole hills.

You are literally doing this. You are making this issue more complicated than it needs to be by making this thread.

Did they really cause a stink over it? They just…did it.

I dont think its creating a stink over something if you just do it.

I havent seen anyone ask for 200+ different body shapes.


Why can’t you say this now? I really dont get what your complaint actually is.

…You. You are the one upset atm.

The people disagreeing with the change are typically not arguing honestly. Or deliberately using misinformation to argue.

So you are being bothered by a label you dont see outside of character creation?

You do realize you keep your pronouns rights?

Who does?

Yes. You are being hypocritical here.

You created a whole thread.

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I do, but that’s OK. I just find it ironic if the point of “going away” from “male” and “female” body types hilarious because the “male” and “female” body types are still locked into those pronoun usages. I just don’t understand the body type change especially for Wrath Classic where Dracthyr will not exist LOL


If we modeled our WoW characters after ourselves, all my characters would be dwarves :sob:


I will not be happy until i can use male exclusive haircuts like foxtail on my female characters

What’s the point of labelling body types when they don’t even share haircuts. Why is a haircut restricted to buff gym body


Aww you must be cute. Mine would be a void elf I think.

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That wasn’t the point. Its just coding. It’s why the pronouns didn’t change.

People need to move on with their lives from this non-issue.

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Cute in a stumpy way :blush:

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What are the political themes Vampire Survivors ?

The people agreeing with the change are typically not arguing honestly.

What a non-argument.


Look there’s no need for you to bring your personal story here, nothing is aimed at you and none of this was to downplay your personal feelings.

I’m just going to pretend you didn’t say that because it’s ridiculous. Unless you’re talking about the LGBTQ+ Lounge specifically on the forums, I’ve still seen them talk with discontent towards labels too. Society, games or otherwise.

But nobody who was bothered by being referred to with the gender pronouns in-game or gender labels would agree with you when they were the ones being bothered by it.

In another time/realm/universe maybe you’re the one saying “Can’t these [gender]‘labels’ bother me?” and I’m the one replying with “They shouldn’t as they’re being applied to an ingame character not to you”.

This :100:%!! It’s silly that one body type gets access to cooler hairstyles, they should change it. Last time I checked, all body types have heads!


I was under the impression that it was. So, what is the point of having “Body Type 1” and “Body Type 2”, then? If NOT to deter away from associating them with “male” and “female”?

Then move on LOL

You think I have an “issue” with it. I don’t. I find the reasoning hilarious, when the tooltips don’t support the message.


I agree with this.

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Give us bearded ladies.

I can grow a beard as a lady and approve of bearded ladies if someone wants to play one.

Bearded lady dwarves especially.


I still agree with this.


Also more gnome mohawks please!! For all body types! That would be so cute!


Oh my goodness I would so make a gnome warrior lady with a mohawk with engineering goggles on.

Be like a Mad Max gnome. Look super awesome!


I’m not going to repeat what I’ve already said and was quoted.

I’m not the one with a problem.

No, I never said you. I specifically said “people” to keep you out of it.

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