Calling all Crafters, Gatherers, Farmers, and Filthy Casuals!

I always find it so very typical how people who tell others they should be nice, are the ones who make the most disgustingly snarky comments, all the while acting smug.

Like, the sense of superiority is literally dripping from your posts, and why? Because someone simply asked for clarification.

I’d suggest getting that stick out of your backside if you want to make a good impression, especially if you’re trying to portray yourself as ‘tolerant and polite’.

Also, making your alts / personal clique upvote and agree with you is not going to impress anyone. It’s only going to make your group look like a teenage cult desperate to manipulate public perception.

What about words that offend white people? Are those alright?

Or what about casuals? You literally called them filthy in your topic title. Can’t you see how some people can CLEARLY take offense to that?


To be fair, they’re actually not that clear.

The point isn’t to have a precise rulebook but a general guideline. They’ve stated they don’t want racist or homophobic people, but the way it’s worded suggests that “conduct yourself” goes a bit beyond that.

I’m not one to give a damn about your skin colour, gender identity, sexual orientation, or whatever but I am one to swear from time to time, have been known to make a sexual joke in-game, and often give people a bit of sass(which I consider all in good fun). Are those okay? I don’t know.

It’s made worse by the fact that the OP responded to somebody asking for clarification with “Well if you don’t know what I mean when we wouldn’t want you anyway”.


If you take offense to that, then I don’t know what to say. That’s an ironic/satirical term that goes back years.

You know, I’ll give you that he could have handled this better. Maybe a lot better. However, the person he was responding to could have also just clicked on the link because IMO it does give more of a sense of what they’re about. Aside from the no-racism-no-homophobia-etc, I see that the main point seems to be that they’re not hardcore and they mostly don’t want people around who’ll berate others. In general, they’re in it for the fun. Hence, “conduct yourself.”

That’s how I read it, anyway. Not that I’d be tossed out for saying “damn” or something.

And no, I’m not one of the dude’s alts. Although I am someone’s alt. :sweat_smile:


I think older/mature players know how to properly conduct themselves without asking for clarification. Your hypotheticals are pretty easy answers in that context. The fact that you are unsure about the answers indicates that you are not what they are looking for (as the OP stated).


Yeah I get the impression this guild is full of faux nice people that think it’s okay to be a total douche so long as you don’t use a swear word. The way Rozen has been treated gives a pretty clear indication of what you’d be signing up for - hypocrisy.


When did I say something offensive? You don’t even know me irl or in game. You have no idea who i am so how can you arbitrarily say someone is racist or homophobic? I was asking anout curse words. Y’all throw racism and homophobia in my face when I never was and you don’t know me as a person and yet I’m the troll.

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I could say the exact same thing about literally anything. That was kind of my point…

In that case they ought to kick out the OP, since instead of simply answering a simple question he started to berate and insult someone just for asking for clarification.

Here, another one of those pretentious comments that serve little more purpose than to deliver an underhanded insult.

It’s really laughable how the kind of people who preach about politeness think it’s perfectly alright to be rude themselves.

You didn’t. But I think that reaction you got out of it is enough of an indication of what you’re actually dealing with here.


In this case, maybe not. I mean, people refer to themselves as “filthy casuals” all the dang time.

Yeah, so that guy could have handled it better, but the thing is with guild recruitment threads is that the information is there either in the post or in a link, and you’re supposed to follow the instructions to make contact if you have further questions. And if you’re not really interested in joining the guild but just asking out of curiousity, then it’s kind of rude to try to derail the thread.

He should have just told her to click the link, read it and contact him if she had further questions and not accuse her of trolling (because she probably just didn’t know any better). Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something.

I know that next you’re going to keep griping about how intolerant everyone involved is but whatever. Your own comments don’t exactly put you in the best light, either.

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why does someone need to go through all that trouble just to get one question answered? Do you allow curse words in chat. Not racial slurs. Not homophobia. You know, those words your parents wouldn’t let you say as a kid. A simple yes or no suffices but instead i was told i was racist and homophobic by people who don’t know me because asking a simple question makes “the shoe fit”.


You know that one word black people keep using to call one another? But let’s not dwell on that topic. Suffice to say I think all this “Don’t be offensive” talk is complete taurencrap and I have no real interest in arguing it either.


I don’t see how asking for clarification is considered derailment, but I suppose you have your reasons for thinking that.

I doubt that. I think the way he behaved (not to mention the obvious manipulation of public perception by adding likes to his posts) made it perfectly obvious what kind of person he is and it has nothing to do with waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

I’m not the one preaching for others to be polite. I’m just pointing out hypocrisy where I see it.

And I certainly don’t see any justification for the sort of baseless accusations and disgusting slander that has been thrown Rözen’s way just for asking a question.


Needless to say, I won’t be joining this guild. I’ll take my decades of experience elsewhere. I dodged a bullet imo.


You’re drawing parallels between “filthy casual” and that? How nuts are you?

I do. Rozen didn’t politely ask for a clarification. Rozen didn’t just say, “Excuse me, but could I ask for further clarification on your rules on, say, cursing in guild chat?” This is what rozen said:

What do you mean how to conduct myself? Everyone has different opinions on how to conduct themselves. Will i be told to watch my language? I mean, we are adults right? Some people don’t like “strong language”.Some do. It goes further than that but maybe y’all should outline what conducting yourself means to you so we know what you’re looking for.

Personally, I think that comes off as aggressive and rude. And yes, someone who feels the need to ask that question, especially in the way s/he did should already know the answer to the question. So what she said feels more like a callout than anything else. And sure enough, a few posts later, Rozen revealed that s/he’d been gkicked before for bad language.


That’s not a very polite thing to say now is it?

I don’t. And even if I did I don’t think it justifies the aggressive display of attitude and baseless accusations that have been thrown Rözen’s way.

But we all know certain people tend to have very loose definitions of what counts as acceptable and what not - particularly when the difference lies between whether someone else is doing it or they themselves are doing it.


I don’t always agree with Rozen, but I do here. I don’t feel they were trolling or any of that, just asking for clarification as they said. How to conduct oneself can indeed mean different things to different people, and the OP blew an intent of clarification way out of proportion in my opinion.

I do know how to conduct myself I feel, but maybe someone like me would have also appreciated that clarification just to know what you do and do not tolerate in your guild to know if it’s the type of guild I would even consider being a part of.

As an example, I personally don’t swear, make perverse and sexual comments, am not racist by any means, etc. While I do not tolerate being in a guild that has members who down others, mistreat others, make racist or jokes in plain bad taste, I don’t mind if someone says the random swear word or sexual joke (if in good taste).

Now, I don’t know if this is the same guild as the one I recently joined in FFXIV of the same name or not, but I sure didn’t feel that guild knew how to “conduct themselves”, as I feel conduct oneself means. While the people were overall friendly, I won’t deny, it wasn’t the random swear word or sexual references, it was rampant in guild chat. Almost every line of guild chat was swearing or perverse comments. After two days I quit because it wasn’t just an every now and then thing, but was constant and just wasn’t to my personal liking.

And I have to agree with how the OP treated someone who did ask for clarification, which I feel is a very valid question when someone is looking to surround themselves with like-minded people, was uncalled for and is definitely not the kind of guild I would ever consider joining. You ask for people basically to respect others, but you can’t do the same? Nah, red flags all around.


It means no jokes are allowed.

Take it how you will. I told you it was for clarification and you continued to act like that’s not the case. I haven’t been rude to you. I’m a very up front and direct person most of the time. If I want to troll you it would be very obvious. Even if you didn’t think I was very up fromt to begin with I made it very clear in the follow up that I was looking for clarification and was called homophobic and racist. You have made the type of guild you are clear. You see, as an adult i can filter myself from saying “bad words” in gchat or discord if I need to. If you just said yes you can say that… or no you can’t this wouldn’t have happened. To be clear, because apparently I need to be extremely clear, this was never asking about racism or homophobia.

Edit: sorry tyandra I didn’t mean to reply to you.

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Finally a good drama thread to sit back and read that isn’t about #nochanges.

Carry on.



I’m not always a very polite person, and never claimed to be. :grin:

As I said, he could handled it a lot better. Even if he felt that she was trolling his thread outright, there’s a more gracious way to deal with that. He basically made her look like the victim.


Who is the she here? Also, I clarified more than once it was a simple question and you refused to acknowledge that. Y’all continued to pour on the hate.

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Your avatar is a she, so that’s what I go by. Apologies if I get it wrong.

And you’re failing to acknowledge that your tone could be construed at the least, abrupt and at worst, aggressive.

I’m not even a member of the guild in question and I wouldn’t join them (Alliance, PVP server)