Call Pet spell not working from action bar

Moved the Hunter’s Call Pet spell to action bar and it won’t open from there. It only opens from the spell book.


Same for me.


Try putting it on the absolute bottom row of the action bars. It doesn’t want to fly out from any other row for me.

Same. Even the pet utility icon doesn’t werk whatever bar I move it to. Only werks in the spellbook.


Same problem happening for me. Pet Utility and Call Pet icon won’t expand on any action bar at any position on the action bars. Only expands in the spell book.


Same bug occurs with mage portals/teleports and warlock demons. UI just doesn’t like the expanding buttons for some reason.


Was working. but appears broken again.

The flyouts do not work on any location I place it other than using out of the spellbook.

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Ok so it’s not just me, I thought I was going insane

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The call pet also doesn’t work on my Warlock, and the mage portals don’t work for my mage except from the spell book.


Can confirm the following Flyout spells are not working properly on the action bars. They work normally from the spell book or by manual casting /cast [spell name] or [spell ID]

Call Pet
Pet Utility
Summon Demon
Teleport: [location]
Portal: [location]
Polymorph: [form]


Typing in so I can check this later

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some one know if they will fix soon i have same bug hunter warlock

The expanded spell icons seem to werk if you disable all addons. So that is obviously not an option.


Same problems for me on for teleports/portals and poisons. Happened with the latest update.

This issue has also been detailed in a similar thread, affecting any characters with fly-outs (hunters, mages, etc.)


Same issue for me. I use the Bartender Add-On. As of October 28, 2022 Bartender has had a daily update. Still doesn’t work.

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Dang they’re really going to war with these addons it seems… Either breaking them completely or trying to integrate their own versions into the game UI…

My fly outs don’t work either - only from the Spellbook as others have stated.

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Bump still needs to be hotfixed.

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Other threads on this topic indicate it is an issue with Bar type addons. I use bartender and saw the issue disappear when I disabled bartender. However, I played beta with no addons and the hunter fly out menus never worked. My pets all needed to be put in my bars individually from the fly out in the spell book.