Calia will ruin the Forsaken

  1. She is not even a forsaken but rather lightforged undead.
  2. She suffers none of the downsides of being undead and seems to be a special snowflake that was invented as anti thesis to what Forsaken actually are.
  3. She is technically an alliance character with zero connections to the other horde leaders. Like she is literally on BFF status with both Anduin and Jaina.
  4. The Forsaken are all about melancholy and shadows. Calia is fully absorbed with the holy light.
  5. Being a Forsaken means you are rejected and cast out. Nobody rejected Calia. Infact she was welcomed with open arms by her friends in the alliance.
  6. Lilian Voss is in my opinion a much more fitting candidate for leadership and I hope Blizzard will not just hamfist her onto the forsaken without any ingame connections for Forsaken players on her side.

Leave your 2 cents if you want to.


We don’t have 2 cents here in Australia, the lowest is 5 cents, so I guess I can’t pay. Don’t want to be overcharged.


Good one lmao.

Forsaken isn’t a type of undead, its the faction, and a faction making up of many different types of undead from the default to death knights to ghosts. Membership even includes leper gnomes. Calia being a different type of undead is a non-factor.

Calia has a body that exhibits less rot and decay than the average Forsaken. That’s about the only concrete detail. There are way more downsides to undeath than just that.

As of Shadow’s Rising, she’s getting along quite well with the lot. The only thing that makes her Alliance is flimsy association from the fact she’s a Lordaeronian character from literal decades ago (like literally every Forsaken). And being BFFs with a few Alliance characters, but that’s par for the course with several Horde leaders.

Yeah, but they’re not entirely melancholy and shadows. Just like how Goblins’ shtick is being a bunch of money-grubbing crony capitalists, there are still flavors of goblins that are like into being actual good business men and capitalists.

Forsaken also meant being forsook by the light for letting something as terrible as the Scourge basically kill and undeath everyone. Failing that, Calia is plenty rejected by them new Scarlet Brotherhood types.

And the cloak and dagger Lillian Voss would be the first to disagree with you, hence why she seems to be trying to pawn the position off in the first place.


Which is not a good thing either. I critizise it on Thrall and Baine too.

There is literally no ingame connections between her and the average forsaken player.

A Naaru lightforged her. The trope here is that it grants her a snowflake status. Look it up on

Yes they are. It is what we signed up for ever since classic. Even the nightelves get better representation of what they are with the darkshore warfront. The Forsaken just get a massive middle finger.

Something Calia can’t empathy with because she never experienced it herself. Sylvanas knows what it was like to be forced against those you loved. Calia never suffered that experience.

She shouldn’t swipe her own light under the rug. She knows too what it is like to be called a monster. Calia doesn’t.


Oh goody, a Calia-lover vs Calia-hater fight. Where’s my popcorn?


And you shouldn’t. Because there’s nothing wrong with it except if they put their Alliance contacts above their own people (which they never do).

And when that happens, probably within the Shadowlands prepatch, will you move the goalpost further?

Calia was allegedly lightforged. We don’t know if she actually was, technically. Nothing on WoWpedia about it. I heard that the lightforging bit was even partially walked back, but no recollection from where I heard that.

Again, there are WAY more consequential downsides to being undead (which she is, downright confirmed) than having a body in decay.

No they aren’t, they’re also black comedy incarnate, blight testing scientists, and perhaps above all else pragmatic survivalists intent on telling the living to pike off.

Reducing them to two traits is reductive.

Calia witnesses the Scourge firsthand, and hid in a ditch from ravenous ghouls looking to eat her for days. She’s got more experience with the Scourge than most new Forsaken recruits from Cataclysm onwards. Saying she never suffered that experience is missing the point by a couple degrees.

Again, Calia is being called a monster by the Scarlet Brotherhood. You are simply mistaken on this point.


Which they always do. See Theramore, Camp Taurajo and Derek.

I will stalk blizzard on their twitter accounts then. Calia will not become Forsaken leader as long as true fans have a say in it. This I vow.

She suffers none of the downsides her people keep suffering from. Continued. She is not a real forsaken. Period.

They are undead. Undead aren’t meant to be nice or normal people. Saying otherwise is delusional.

She has friends who showed nothing but support to her. And these scarlet pamplents aren’t even canon at this point since Blizzard has them on hold, not implementing them.


To address your points:

  1. Quite, however she isn’t actually going to be leading the forsaken. Her role is wholly different.
  2. Irrelevant.
  3. Also irrelevant. That’s her kingdom, so she definitely gets to at least stay there.
  4. Irrelevant.
  5. These are old standards - you generally won’t be getting any more forsaken and haven’t for quite a while, so irrelevant.
  6. Quite right - that’s why she is leading them, and not Calia.

Why tf you playing on a US realm? We must take advantage of low ping whenever possible!

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Baine didn’t betray his people at Theramore, he gave them a headsup. Camp Taurajo is a non-sequitur here. Baine turning over Derek was against Sylvanas, not his own people, specifically because what was being done to him went against what Baine saw as the soul of the Horde.

All nothing burgers. Not that three instances constitute as “always”.

So, yes, you will move the goalposts. btw, nice “No true Scotsman” fallacy. Heh.

Give me a full list of downsides she doesn’t suffer from. I want something comprehensive.

…Which I’m guessing I’m not going to get considering how goalposts-moving and circular-arguing you’re being. So eh.

Being undead has literally never necessitated them being evil, even as far back as vanilla when you have Forsaken defectors act surprisingly nobly to people of the other faction. Saying that they can’t be nice is delusionally edgy. They’re simply less likely to be given the inherent nature of their traumatic origins.

You said she hasn’t been rejected by anyone. I call shenanigans, and now you shift the goalposts again to her having friends at all means she isn’t Forsaken. Forsaken have Forsaken friends who support one another, do they qualify as not being Forsaken suddenly?

This is silly, I bid you a good day.


I joined the server of people I knew in real life, who played from before Oceanic servers, and I wasn’t playing when the free transfer to Oceanic servers was offered, and I’m lazy and poor and don’t think paying to transport like ten characters is worth it.

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Why not? He legit banished/exiled a good chunk of Tauren who retaliated against the Alliance for what happened at Taurajo. That’s bad leadership goals right there.

Being a midnslave of the lich king. Zombie cannibalism. Rotten skin and flesh. Traumatic flashbacks from your old life. Being called an ugly monster by others. I can assure you, so far none of these things happened to Calia.


And the fact that her last act in life was getting herself and a bunch of Forsaken killed when she tried to get said Forsaken to betray the Horde and join the Alliance.

But, yeah, whatever, she’s not Alliance…



He did kill Horde soldiers in order to free Derek, though.


Who’s going to tell him that Sylvanas was/is an entirely different kind of undead compared to 90% of the people she led for over a decade?


Do we still need these threads after all the clarifications? Like… she has a presence in the story, and one in the Forsaken, but I think at this point we can safely say she’s not the Forsaken Queen.


I’m rolling on the floor laughing right now! This solidifies that you haven’t read anything about Calia. She had nightmares of the Scourge and losing her daughter in the book. She’s being called a monster by the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Do yourself some research. 4/10 bait thread.

At what point was the operating intent getting the Forsaken to betray the Horde rather than reunite with their families away from the psychopathic banshee queen that ordered anyone not having a bad time to be executed?

If memory serves, he gave them the choice of surrender. And he didn’t kill any Tauren to do it. Still, its less putting the Alliance over the people and more putting the Horde’s honor above all else.

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But she has the possibility of being the Forsaken Queen!

And THAT cannot stand!!!


I think it’s pretty easy to see what they’re doing with her. She’s not the new leader of the Forsaken, their shiny new replacement for Sylvanas. In fact, with all these threads, I’m amazed that people haven’t really realized what role she’s filling, especially given the implication of a Light versus Void xpac later.

She’s Varimathras.


At what point does intent supercede the action? Reuniting with family meant betraying the Horde and joining the Alliance.
