Calia and the Forsaken

Horde players can trash-talk the Alliance all we want, we never asked for cross-faction play, and many of us would in fact prefer it be removed.

Let’s get rid of cross-faction play RIGHT NOW if Horde players bother the Alliance so much.


The point I was making with my post is that Callia is a way forward for the Forsaken (and perhaps the Horde, as well). A lot of people on the Horde side seem to want to stay focused on the past–the way things were. I think that’s why a lot of people dislike her as much as they do. I think it’s also why many players aren’t happy with new races being added to the Horde–as if it somehow dilutes what the Horde was or used to be.

So there’s that conflict there with the past and the future. It’s no different on the Alliance side for the night elves right now. A lot of them are still looking at the past and not wanting to move forward. I certainly can’t blame them. Just as I don’t blame the Forsaken for not liking the “Lightborne Undead” that is Callia. But it -is- a way for them to move forward–to continue to exist–to stop the decay and destruction that once was central to their existence. 3 years certainly isn’t enough time for people to embrace that, and the stories being told right now aren’t reflective of racial identities, unless you count the drakthyr and dragons.

And I honestly think that’s fine. 10 to 15 years from now? Maybe views will have changed. Maybe hatreds will have deepened. Either way, it’s an interesting dynamic in the same way that losing Teldrasil or gaining a new world tree seed is interesting for the night elves. Not everyone is happy about it. Not everyone is willing to call it theirs.

In my opinion this makes for good stories. It’s why I continue to play and continue to enjoy the stories of the game. The storytelling isn’t always perfect, but very few things in life ever are. I am enjoying the journey and looking forward to what lies ahead.

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I personally don’t mind cross-faction but resent that people think that means that both sides need to be in some perfect friendship, completely removed of flaws, development, disagreements nor breaks in any treaties. That’s not how things go in reality and usually not in fiction. There will be peace and then there will be of course war again.


You have zero understanding of Horde players.


It’s a way forward to making everything boring and everyone the same so no Alliance get offended.


I understand that 50% of the Horde are playing Blood Elves because they want to be pretty. :slight_smile:

It’s not even the Horde anymore. It’s blood elves and friends.

And PRETTY! Don’t forget the PRETTY! That’s the most important thing to Golden.


There’s nothing wrong with pretty and pretty doesn’t mean perfect.

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Blood Elves are perfect because there are no barber shops in Silvermoon.


(Unless they added one… did they? :rofl: )

I don’t mind it as long as there is some depth. There is zero depth here.

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We can teleport places… We can get our haircut anywhere.

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You can even go to Undercity for a facial.


That’s not the point I was making. I was saying Blood Elves are so perfect that they don’t need to change their hairstyle. They just come out character creation perfect!

But they’re less perfect than Nightborne. They’re the best horde race.

So it’s okay for you to trash talk others but not the other way around?

Hypocritical much?

Both sides voiced their support for it.

Yourself and a few others don’t qualify as “many of us”.

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Maybe you should have read the rest of that sentence.

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But none of that is true. Which is why we have

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I read it all, and it does nothing to help your case.

One of the Withered is running away! Stop him, before he gets lost in the tunnels!


That’s a blood elf? Nah, they look dead. Buddy needs some moisturizer. :rofl:

It was all the well’s fault.