Calia and the Forsaken

We are still buddy-buddy with those humans. They are now the Forsaken.


So then you’re buddy-buddy with Calia.


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That’s why I really like the Zandalari becoming a playable race. One of the few good things that I liked in BFA. There’s such a deep and longstanding history for them and I really want to see Talanji get more spotlight and drive the story of all Troll-kind forward.

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She’s not Forsaken. She was never forsaken. Forsaken is a name for those left behind by humans. She was never feared and abandoned. And definitely wasn’t raised the same, painful way. It’s part of the problem with her.

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Moreso everything that’s right with her. New perspective. Not more of the same old. A way forward.


Well you are welcome to have her on your side for all of that way forward. There’s also no “new perspective.” She’s just sort of there.


We get that Alliance players love Calia.

That’s another reason Horde players despise her.


Christie Golden wanted to insert Calia into Horde because she’s PRETTY and everybody should be PRETTY and PRETTY.



It just makes their tears that just tastier. They’ll never have a say in how Blizzard writes the lore. I can’t wait to see how much more Blizzard pisses off these oh so important horde players.

None of us do. Even when a tree is torched. It goes both ways.


Lol, Vulpera talking about Horde. You get even less screen time than the Nightborne and that’s saying something. The only thing worse than Vulpera contributions is maybe the Mag’har.

Thaylssra isn’t pretty?


We understand that the lore is written by, for, and about Alliance Players, on a purely Alliance-centric basis.

The hilarious part is that Alliance players DON’T realize this because of how phenomenally spoiled (and stupid) they are, and cry about some weird “horde bias”. It’s a truly bizarre windmill for them to tilt at, yet there they go.

The funniest part of all though is that Alliance players demanded cross-faction play, because they are so inept at getting anything done in-game that they cried for years that the Horde playerbase needed to come in and save them.


But yeah, you go right ahead and get on your high horse and puff up your chest, there.


Such edge. So cool. Wow.

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“We can’t get anything done unless the people we claim to dislike are forced to save us.”

Wow. :laughing:

The notion that ANY Alliance player would have the nerve to talk smack about Horde players, after their caterwauling that cross-faction play needed to be added to the game, is just mind-boggling.


Vulpera just joined the Horde. You remind me of the small kid who hangs around the school bully and acts tough. Hide behind your Orc friends. :rofl:

murdered that man. xD

Would you prefer if I posted on my Tauren Druid I played for 15 years?

Again: You’re Alliance. You came crawling to Blizzard on hands and knees BEGGING them to add cross-faction play so the Horde would save you.

Cut the trash-talking.


And yet, they still have more development than Calia.




I’m a level 10 alliance character on A52.

I have a bunch of max’d level Horde characters, but then also some maxed level Draenei and Night Elves. :slight_smile: