Calia and the Forsaken

Or she could try to save as many possible rather than attacking and killing more innocent people. Call me hopeful…

That’s what she had done. She saved her people from being used as cannon fodder and the subsequent events which would’ve lead to the Forsaken being wiped out.

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Saved her people…then attacked Gilneas. How about standing up to Garrosh instead, rather than cowardly following the orders of a genocidal tyrant. There are easily real world comparisons to Garrosh where supposedly good people ‘followed orders’ (your words) and enabled bad people to do even worse, but this just a video game with a badly written story, so I see no need to go there.

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That did eventually happen in the expansion after.

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After the damage had been done and the Alliance defeated him. How noble…how…heroic…

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It was both the Alliance and Horde who lead the Siege of Orgrimmar.


Also Calia isn’t interest in blighting things. What good is a Forsaken leader who doesn’t enjoy plague, pestilence and the like?

Hopefully Belmont and Faranell maintain that identity in the meantime.


Nah, they made it clear that Calia was never going to rule. Who is they, you might ask? Her father. Calia is older than Arthas. So if you want to throw around “oh this and this for 1200 years” then you also have to accept that Menethil women don’t rule that kingdom.

And that right there ^^ is why I always laugh when people say “Oh she’s in line for the throne!” She was never in line for the throne. The only way she would have been queen is if Arthas died and the king couldn’t find a cousin or nephew, then he would have picked a nice man for her to marry (which he did even though he wasn’t very nice…) and he would rule as king while Calia would be the b̶r̶o̶o̶d̶m̶a̶r̶e̶ queen.


This is some weird take on altruism.

As much as we all want to hope the world is a bright and pretty place, history has repeatedly shown us otherwise. That’s just not how it works.

Comments like this make me wonder if you guys are trying to purposely ignore the nuances. Do you really think Sylvanas putting her foot down and saying “no” to Garrosh would have just been ok? No repercussions? While he held her entire forces and had close eyes on her?

Let’s say she somehow got away. Where would she go? To the humans that loathe them while seeking shelter? That isn’t how it works. No one was gonna risk that without a full plan.

Garrosh wanted the task done and was willing to have as many forsaken die for it. He didn’t care. Sylvanas came in, took the lead, and said if this is to be done then it’ll be done her way. She was losing ground, and if she lost with nothing to gain, then Garrosh would have turned his eyes on her for making him look weak. So she made it a no-victory for both while having her forces stationed on the land they took.

The outcome? Less Forsaken lost their lives and the Alliance got no advancements while Undercity still stood. Garrosh still hated her, but she got more time to figure out her next plan.

That’s the take from that story.


I respect this take…

Were never going to hear the end of this…
Who cares who the leader is, can any of you without looking it up even tell me the name of my races leader?

Not me. I just know it’s some panda chick. Mine’s a panda dude.

But then again, I don’t care about panda lore so why would I know their names? I care about Forsaken stuff which is why I know a bit more about it.


Funny I feel the same way about Garrosh fans when he was just as bad wanting to drive everyone but Orcs out of his " Horde"

He had issues too

What “disturbs” me is how serious you take all this. Nobody committed “literal genocide”. Pretty sure pixels don’t fall under the Geneva Convention :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

And we all know how you like to pick and choose which lore you’re going to pay attention to but Sylvanas didn’t invade Gilneas for “no reason.” Her reason was her war chief ordered her to.

Oh and for the record I’m not a boy or Sylvanas fan.


It’s pretty funny getting called a “Sylvanas fanboy” or “Sylvanas stand” for simply stating what actually happened in the story.


That’s incorrect, she signed on after WotLK after she took a long walk off a short Frozen Throne.


Queen Elizabeth though?

It goes to the male heir until there is no male heir. Then it goes to the daughter.

Nope, you should read the Sylvanas novel.

She met the Jailer after her Icecrown suicide yes. But she did not decide to join him until after Vol’jin named her Warchief.

Here is a Wowhead article detailing how she The Jailer met and became allies:,see%20injustice%20wherever%20she%20looks.


Hard pass lol, I’ll take your word for it

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Right and Arthas was still alive when Calia ran away and stayed away until BFA. By the time she came back there was no monarchy and no kingdom. It died.