Cache of Acquired Treasures (Fixed!)

we are all having the same issue! any updates?

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any updates on this?

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This thread was first started on the 22nd of March and is seriously still yet to be fixed? WTF Blizz… its pretty stupid when Progging a Mythic boss or running a M+ that the item needs to be swapped out because it just doesn’t work. 95% of the time, I am not getting any weapon buff and then when i do try to use the trinket I get an Invalid Target error.
Fix you’re stupid game. the one we actually pay money to play.

No blue to be found on this

I’m having the same problem, but it only started with the new patch. Never had an issue before that.


Can blizz fix this?

Yes, it’s very broken. Someone from blizzard acknowledging this bug would be great.

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Right. No mention of it in blue anywhere.

yeah, I had to switch off trinkets … only way to use it is opening player panel and probably eating fire in game to do so.

Small indie company I guess, cant even fix the game after 2 maintenance windows


Please fix this


My rogue is anxiously awaiting a fix for this. As it is now the trinket is practically just a stat-stick.

More like half a stat stick. Stat stick trinkets actually have another stat on them


Still waiting on this as well … ridiculous.


They just announced bug fixes, trinket wasnt even mentioned… Good to know they dont listen


Hasn’t this been an issue since at least March?

nope since tuesday, ive had to use Elegy because the trinket just wont work

Lots of other stuff broken too.

Hopefully they fix everything

Nah this trinket was working fine on Monday, til 9.2.5 launched

Seems like it won’t swap between versions when you’re in combat because it thinks you are equipping a new trinket in combat (?)

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Ah ok must have been thinking of another trink. I guess just add it to the list of Bugs, and good luck everyone who has it, it must be annoying.