Button bloat

I was responding to Snozay.

But to your point I think the game isn’t too kind about players cultivating their own experience. There ARE intended rotations in the game and right now they’re madness. And the ones players come up with to eke out the most damage are not fun and Blizzard shouldn’t encourage it.

I tend to take mostly passive talents and still end up with a ton of buttons on some classes. If I decide to go back into mythic+ or raiding I will have to take the active talents on those classes and tangle my fingers in knots.

You don’t balance or design a game around people that are old and have a hard time playing the game.

And yes you balance and design around the top players when it comes to class difficulty.

If you’re taking passives and still complaining about bloat it’s 100% your keybind setup.

Get a mmo mouse if you’re having that much issue.

High ceiling low floor would be the way to give you precious CE folks the room to flex us lowly normies.

Right now way too many classes have a high floor.

The classes with a low floor and high ceiling are

  1. destruction warlock
  2. beast master hunter
  3. retribution paladin

end of list

Most classes do not have a high floor.

To me it sounds like you need to change your bind setup.

This, I play WoW on a controller and would prefer the agency to remain.

That’s why you can opt for active talents or passives one in the tree.

My bind set up is fine. Arguing that people need a MMO mouse just to play is madness.

Besides all of that, difficulty isn’t really my issue. Fun is.

Like I mentioned Destro Lock in Mists had a LOT of abilities, but they worked together in intuitive ways and it was a fun spec to play.

Illusion, Alter Time, and Cone of cold to name a few.

Clearly isn’t.

I’m not arguing you need it to play as I don’t and can accommodate 36 keybinds easily.

I was saying it as a suggestion for you.

So play a class you find fun.

Fun is subjective and dumbing down the game based on your definition of fun isn’t going to happen.

Evoker is an example that complexity doesn’t necessarily have to be implemented through keybinds. I play subtlety and unholy more than anything else but I find Evoker more difficult to play.

Ultimately I just want the game to be more comfortable everybody. A games complexity doesn’t have to be designed through an excessive amount of spells that serve similar functions.

Oh I have my class. I’m a beast master, always have been. The lack of insane binds is part of the appeal but also doing my rotation while moving.

Before I get any snarky “lol BM is so easy”: like is it?

I mean I’M good at it but I pull better numbers than folks with much better gear so clearly some people don’t know what they’re doing.

resto shaman is famous for having what is probably the most needlessly bloated kit in the entire game. just because there’s a worse offender doesnt mean hunter isnt carrying around a few too many buttons for what it needs to do

Illusion is a fluff spell.
Alter Time and CoC are situational, used a lot in PvP.

I don’t see the issue here.

This is impossible. What you and I find comfortable might be wildly different. It’s up to players to find their comfort zone.

Agree I find 50 buttons far more comforting that 10.

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I’m aware that a game designed to be played with a mouse and keyboard still isn’t going to suit everybody but its not impossible to make the game more comfortable by limiting a few extra spells to where you don’t have to press your function keys.

No issue, just me responding to button bloat with an OPINION.

Ironic, since you’re the one wrong here. CR is 0. MMR is well over 1800 this late in the season. Make a fresh alt and join a match. Your first arena will be 1850-1900 range.

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Oh, so it’s not bloat at all. Just some buttons you don’t even use and QQing about.
Button bloat is when you have too much mandatory skills, not optional/extremely niche ones.

Listen Wulf, we both understand the definition of bloat. I’m not being dragged into your bait and parsing of words.