i only pvp …so add 4 different traps 2 aspects (turtle and cheetah), exhilaration, muzzle, feign death, camouflage, concussive shot, disengage, flare, intimidation, survival of the fittest, tranquillizing shot ,harpoon and spot for trinket…plus the 8 abilities you mention = bloat…
And the amount of keys used for PvE seem fine. So maybe we should lean towards that? What do you care if they cut excess spells in PvP since WoW is a “PvE game first” to you?
I dislike bloat. I am not AMAZING at this game but I’m pretty good. I can sometimes pull bigger numbers than players with better gear on the same class.
But bloat isn’t the only issue here. It’s that abilities since Dragonflight’s skill trees have felt unfocused and, well, like bloat. So many classes have buttons that are just hit to maintain a buff or do the same thing as another ability but less damage but it does x thing and needs to be in the rotation. It’s chaos and not fun.
Destruction warlock circa Mists of Pandaria is my favorite example of many buttons but feels good. The class had a flow, the buttons made sense, it felt good to play.
Meanwhile these days if I pick up rogue or mage I get overwhelmed by buttons by level 30 and only half of those buttons are fun.
I’m glad the game has complexity. I think it makes the game vastly more interesting and creates the opportunity for skill expression.
Players are supposed to see someone better than them, doing something incredible, be it some crazy PvP burst sequence, insane damage/healing, or wild dungeon pulls and think:
“Wow, I wonder if I can learn to do that.”
If you water the game down from a complexity perspective, you limit the opportunities for this to occur.
most of hunters bloat isnt even in the rotation, its not specific to survival hunter over the others. survival hunter has what, 3 or 4 core rotational buttons depending on talents, and then 3-4 cooldowns depending on talents?
i mean thats not exactly retribution paladin but its also not what i would call overly bloated.
where hunter bloat comes from is just the dozens of niche utility and defensives, between shots like concussive shot, binding shot, and bursting shot, intimidate, all the traps like implosive/explosive trap, freezing trap, tar trap, you’ve got defensive utility like turtle, exhiliration, and SotF, you have threat management like feign and misdirect, mobility utility with cheetah, camoflauge and disengage, pet utility with revive and mend (and potentially summon and dismiss), further pet dependent group buffs like hero on ferocity, you’ve got your kick and then harpoon as a gap closer.
just an absolute bucketload of utility, a ton of which is highly situational and could probably be condensed a bit. i have 3 full bars plus a bit off to the side but most of that is not specific to survival, its just hunters bloated toolbox of random CC, threat, pet and defensive crap. and sure, each one of those is very useful in its specific circumstance for which it was designed, but at a certain point a toolbox that full becomes unwieldy