Button bloat

It’s a skill issue.

Highly doubt that.

Please you’re not that good lmao

People really putting literally every single class ability on their bar, pretending it’s their core rotation, and going “waow so many buttons!”

DK has like 40 buttons then, I’m always weaving in Chains of Ice, Corpse Explosions, and Death’s Advances to keep my DPS up.

Better than anyone crying about bloat

The issue mainly pertains to PvP which you are terrible at. Are you implying you are terrible at PvP because there are too many keybinds?

Regardless, the game’s difficulty shouldn’t be set by the number of spells to keybind, that’s a terrible way to design a game.

Edit because you think you’re better than Venruki 12:19;

I’m not terrible at PvP. Hit 1800 in honor greens in 2 days rofl.

It’s not. You have choices on how you keybind.

Never claimed to be better than Venruki. However this is a PvE game first and a PvP game second.

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yeah i used to play survival a lot and I have 5 other classes.
you can reduce what your calling “button bloat” if its actually “keybind bloat” by doing what I do:

have 12 keybinds for every class. and 12 only. 1,2,3,4 SHIFT+1,2,3,4 and CTRL+1,2,3,4
the rest of the spells and abilities you need to use put them on a side bar to be clicked on manually.

some things are better keybound while some things are better clicked on.
you just have to find what works for you.

I also find that stacking the action bars so that they are in a 4longx3high box instead of having them laid out linearly helps too, square boxes instead of long strings helps,

one box lower mid screen with 12 keybinds and one box off to the right/mid way up for clickables.

Grats on doing the bare minimum, I guess? 1800 is the starting MMR.

Not what my MMR was.

Stay mad though and keep getting your rating in blitz lul

starting MMR is zero sir. no need in making yourself look like an A hole infront of everyone

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Also won 5 out of 6 of my first rounds and skyrocketed to 2k mmr lol

In crafted greens was not a fun experience lol

That’s not what I said.

You’re thinking of CR

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Your first rounds are placement matches :woman_facepalming:

I know that.

You’re acting like you’re speaking on things I don’t know.

Blitz hero’s are so lol

Every class’ rotation is like 4-5 buttons max, with some utility and offensive/defensive CDs. If you’re not pushing end game content (ie heroic raid or +10s and higher), you don’t have to have most of them key bound or memorized either. There is no button bloat. People should just go back to Classic if having more than 3 buttons to push scares them.

I never claimed to be good, you did. I did Blitz to 2100 and decided I didn’t like them and stopped. Regardless I’ve reached duelist in every season I’ve participated in, which is better than what anyone can say about you :woman_shrugging:

I dunno about solo shuffle but the starting MMR for blitz is like 1600 at least thats when you start getting at most 24 rating per win instead of the boosted 120+

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I don’t care about blitz

My Classic Pali def. has too many buttons. I was told I would be auto-attack Andy, and here I am pressing buttons. WTF is that…

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I never claimed to be great. Just better than people crying about bloat.

Blitz and RBGs have zero respect value.

Have reached duelist levels before. I just haven’t pvped consistently.

End of the day you’re just a stereotypical toxic pvp player that’s got an attitude for no reason.