They already tried pruning classes to where there were very few buttons, it was widely hated and the classes were boring to play. There’s a reason Blizzard leaned so heavily into the “unpruning”.
I couldn’t disagree with this post more
probably not the same groups of players on each side of that.
I can see some wanting it simpler and some more complex…and others like myself who want it somewhere in the middle ground.
Why not just have the game play for you. Just turn it on an watch the character go about its business?? There are WAY less buttons then what was in vanilla and this is really sad that your trying to take more away from the game.
I don’t have a problem with the number of buttons. I have a problem with the synergy of the buttons.
Lot of them are 30-45 second maintenance cooldowns. It’s annoying watching their buffs and reapplying them when the only space you have is something like alt+3 or ctrl+G or shift+5. Anything that moves beyond the comfort of asdw, requiring on demand zero fat-fingering introduces an uncomfortable amount of entropy into gameplay.
Not all of us have massive hands to press 5-7.
Not all of us have the hand reflexes to pull off ctrl+1-4 in a fraction of a second.
Not all of us have gaming mouses or the desire to own one.
Not all of us want to switch from asdw input schemes to supplement more inputs.
It’s just annoying (Not impossible), but I definitely feel for the people who struggle to pull off .1 second inputs.
While I typically agree with this sentiment, there comes a point where all the stubborn old farts who refuse to adapt are also the ones with all the money.
- There are classes that have button bloat issues
- There are classes that do not
- The only immediate fix is an MMO mouse like the Logitech G600 or the Corsair Scimitar
- Blizzard will not lower keybindings until Microsoft acquisition is finished and the word from on-high is that games should be console friendly
- Even post console, we are still going to accomodate 10 button rotations and as many utility or consumables the way we do right now: with switching; instead of CRT/ALT it might be a left trigger, so the bloat realistically isn’t going to get shrunk that much
- Consider that in PvP, button bloat is artificially high, because you have macros of the same skill many times over to target different players, and because of PvP only talents.
- This game will never, ever, ever design for PvP first. PvP balance is always secondary to PvE balance, PvP is a sideshow in a game about raiding and dungeons. No one cares about PvP only button bloat and no dev time will ever be devoted to fixing it. The best you can hope for is PvE bloat reduction having a positive effect on PvP. Better to accept it now.
Agreed. Button bloat is out of control for a lot of classes. It’s no surprise why a lot of players have Demon Hunters and Hunters compared to other classes.
Yeah I feel the same way. Frankly the amount of buttons are insane, especially in pvp where you need multiples of the same thing targeting different players. I imagine every class can have 1/3 of it’s buttons cut or baked into different but similar skills and there would be no reduction in enjoyment.
Enhance feels like it plays whack-a-mole with so many buttons, more than half of them lit up at any given time. It’s like walking around on a casino floor.
Oh, yeah. The acquisition.
If the plan is to bring WoW to consoles then button bloat will have to be addressed as currently only certain classes like Hunter and Demon Hunter would work on Console controls atm. The button bloat is that bad.
Course Blizzard would have to revamp the starter experience severely too…
Kinda funny, because Hunters used to be one of the classes with the most abilities. On my Hunter in WotLK Classic, i need an actionbar addon just to fit all my abilities. The standard UI just doesn’t have enough slots to fit in all of their abilities, plus extras like potions and health stones.
Really? I regularly use 25 to 30 buttons on my guardian druid. That seems quite enough. My holy priest does use more, 30 to 35, which often seems excessive. No repeat buttons.
If you keybind your pet management abilities they have a whole bunch. Like pet attack x target. Move pet. Follow/ stay in this location.
Hunters lost a lot and now are the best new player friendly class and with the best speed to solo clear potential. Every new potential player I meet I tell them to play Hunter - BM or MM. Their experience will be much better that way.
I want pet customization back though.
I can’t seem to find any class or spec with 20 - 30 skills to even bind to the hot bars.
Unless you’re making 20 - 30 macros, in which case that problem’s solved in the mirror.
As much as I love the idea of dumbing the game down because a handful of people can’t grasp the concept of good keybind management, no.
learn to use alt/shift modifiers and the plenty of available keys on your keyboard old timer. Age is absoblutely not an excuse as Ive watched grandmas play WoW with that many buttons
No, go to a different game. We like our buttons here
The reason we have the bloat going on is cause some dev read the forums and saw some talk about how some players where reminiscing about old spells we don’t use anymore and so they brought them back.
Just like the need/greed system. Some things should’ve been left buried.