Button bloat in out of control

A lot of rotations can’t use castsequences due to rotation changing based on procs etc. on my brm I’m looking at around 25 hotkeys with only 5 of those being rotation.

It’s as other people have said, some classes just have more buttons. Mw feels even worse than brm to me honestly with fistweaving.

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Stop trying to dumb the game down because you want to play one button hello kitty island adventures.



Druids get spells for every shapeshift.

You don’t actually use them.

Should they be removed? No

It’s nice having abilities for each form even if you don’t ever use them in main rotation.

Let’s say you are a balance Druid, why shouldn’t your cat form have a few basic abilities? Or bear form have a mangle/thrash at least.

nomod is kind of a waste of macro space.

I do not even use a lot of my spells on other classes. There are some you can just not have on your hot bars.

What about ~, Q, E, R, F, Z, X, C? Then you’ve got any buttons on your mouse. There’s a whole lot more than 5 buttons in easy reach

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I actually think we need less procs/resets/buffs to track, not less buttons. Would the amount of buttons be a problem if you didn’t have to smash them as fast as possible in weird orders according to procs and buffs? Not really.

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pre-asked and answered. You can’t expect people to go beyond the default setting of the game. Nor can you expect them to invest in a special mouse. If the game is designed for you to use keybindings, macros, and a special mouse there is a flaw in the design. A game should always be plug and play.


I do think its funny/annoying that I can easily fill up 36 keys on my feral, but i dont even come close to filling up 24 on my dh.


No thanks.

I suggest working in your binds or buying a gaming mouse.

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Yet people keyboard turn and still play the game.

If you want to perform at anything in life it takes investment.

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And that is exactly what the game should be designed around. If people use other ways to play the game and say it’s too easy because of it. That is their own problem, a problem they choose to cause. As they are the ones that chose to do the optional thing and shoot themselves in the foot.


Are you talking about a particular spec? Resto is just fine.

You do realize there are other ways to keybind than using that terrible system.

I had 96 keybinds on my rogue in Cata.

I personally use.

A and D to strafe.

Q w e r
S f g
Z x c v

That’s 14 binds.

Now add in

Shift Control Alt modifiers.

X 4
That’s 56 binds all within easy reach.

No special mouse needed

No it shouldn’t be. Game should be balanced and designed around the top players.

If people choose the east way to play the game then they are the ones choosing to handicap themselves.

You people keep clipping away the part where it’s already been addressed :rofl:

Terrible take the top players are only but 1% of the game designing around the top would make the game unenjoyable for the average player. If anything a game should designed more around the average joe and I can almost assure you the average joe doesn’t look up guides, bind their keys, or mess around with addons.

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It’s obvious that button bloat is out of control and it would make balancing classes much easier. However people will howl if Blizzard did prune classes. I mean they already did once and now we have even more button bloat.


Absolutely not. The average players in this game are absolutely awful and would cause the game to be extremely unbalanced and broken.

They don’t change the rules for sports and games because people have different skill levels.

Stop trying to cater to mediocrity.

It’s a video game, its purpose is to be entertainment. It’s not a sport, stop thinking the world has to be a competitive place.

As for not changing the rules because of skill levels in a video game, yes they absolutely do.


We need to start mass reporting these threads as trolling. This flavor of trolling could have a detrimental effect on the game