Button Bloat from the Perspective of a Middling Player

The average player doesn’t even raid normal lol


I can understand people with certain disabilities sure, if that were to help them enjoy the game im all for it as long as the game doesnt cater to being dumbed down to be able to play on a controller.

Heres a list of my binds for Demo

1/shift/control = mount/flymount/repair mount
2/shift/control = on use staff/Racials
3/shift/control = augment rune/food/flask

S/shift/control/alt - shadowbolt/petcommand/focus pet command/Soulstone
W/shift/control Alt = summon vilefiend/guillotine/Power Siphon/Shadowfury
E/shift/control = hand of guldan/implosion/burning rush
Q/shift/control = Grim Felguard/ Fear/ Mortal Coil
R/shift/control = Felstalker/Demonic Strength/Curse of Exhastion
F/shift/control = Demon Bolt/ Nether Portal / Tyrant
A/shift/control/alt= Strafe left/soul well/summon stone/ fel domination
D/shift/control/alt = strafe right/soulburn/cast demonic gateway/summon demon
G/shift/control = Curse of Weakness/Curse of Exhastuion/Curse of Tongues
Z/shift/control = Trinket1/Trinket 2
X/shift/control = Lock cookie/Health Potion/Creat healthstone
C/shift/control = DPS potion 1/Gateway Control Shard/ Invis potion

V/shift/control = Unending Resolve/Dark Pact

Spacebar/shift/control = jump/Take demonic port/set demonic port

I may be missing something but please explain how youre going to put that on a controller

Actually the average player does all forms of content as confirmed by ion.

The numbers for LFR/Normal combined are close to the same as heroic by itself.

Solo players are not average players and therefore dont matter in this context

Very easily. You can use R2 / L2 / L2 + R2 and, if you wanted to, also bind more with L1 or R1. They’re modifiers just like Ctrl, shift and alt are. 8 face buttons, with L3 + R3 also being usable (so a total of 10) per modifier. On top of this you can also use Opie with a controller, which allows a radial menu (something controllers are really easy to use with) for lesser used items or CDs.

Unfortunately unlike XIV you can’t (I believe) set up a combo pathway modifier. IE: R2 + L2 is different than L2 + R2 - which one you do first opens up yet another plethora of options. But thankfully in WoW you have Opie and the L3 + R3 buttons to use.

And of course without holding any modifiers down your face buttons still do keybinds / actions or macros tied to them.

FWIW I prefer KB&M, but controller definitely isn’t lacking in most respects in comparison these days. It has a few minor QoL issues like no auto-rotation when you press your skills, which is just a skill issue admittedly. Not difficult to just, orient yourself the correct way lol.

Unironically FFXIV paved the way for this kind of realization for many players not understand how controllers can be used properly. Some minor QoL adjustments or changes have been made to the base game but, I honestly don’t think anyone in their right mind is complaining about the interact key lol.

I can understand if auto-rotation were to be introduced, it would be disabled in PvP. But again, skill issue option. Just like M&KB you can learn to rotate properly.

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I removed what you don’t really need and can be provided by the group or have minimal impact.

You can (and should, in most cases) macro trinkets to abilities (mostly CDs).

While some CDs could be condensed, the # of buttons is fine for most specs.

I would suggest you try the new Evoker class, Devastation spec, or Fury Warrior, which seem to be more up to speed for you.

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When Demon Hunter exists, I will never understand anyone who struggles to find a DPS or Tank that fits the ‘as little as possible’ builds.

Why not ?

You have 10 buttons on top :heavy_plus_sign: each direction equals a a key bind . The 4 letter/symbol buttons = 4 more . Each thumb stick has a push down feature equalling 2 more for a total of 10 .

Now add in 3 of the front buttons to use for modifiers (Shift,CTRL & ALT ) you now have access to 40 keybind options.

Do people like you ever think out of the box or is that concept to big for you ?

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A lot of people with WoW brain in this thread that haven’t figured out that controllers have advanced beyond the GameCube days lol.


Looking at DPS only, HDH (base) has the same/more buttons than Devoker or Fwar:


  • Base - Glaive Toss, Chaos Strike, Blade Dance, Eye Beam, Immo Aura, Sigil of Flame (6)
  • Optionals - Elysian Decree, Demon’s Bite, Essence Break, Fel Barrage, Glaive Tempest (5)
  • CDs (mid/long) - The Hunt, Meta (2)


  • Base - Bloodthirst, Slam/Raging Blow, Rampage, Execute, Whirlwind (5)
  • Optionals - Odyn’s Fury, Champion’s Spear/Thundering Roar, Ravager, Onslaught (4)
  • CDs (mid/long) - Recklessness, Avatar (2)


  • Base - Living Flame, Azure Strike, Disintegrate, Fire Breath, Pyre, Eternity Surge (6)
  • Optional - Firestorm, Shattering Star (2)
  • CD - Dragonrage, Deep Breath, Fury of the Aspects [Hero] (2.5) - not fully counting hero as it’s more of a group CD

Beast Mastery

  • Base - Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Barbed Shot, Multi-Shot, Kill Shot (5)
  • Optional - Serpent Sting, Dire Beast, Explosive Shot/Barrage, Murder of Crows/Bloodshed, Wailing Arrow, Death Chakram/Stampede, Call of the Wild (8)
  • CD - Bestial Wrath (1)

BM is actually more involved than the 3 above, due to the amount of optional skills (you will be picking at least 3), despite the “faceroll” fame.

So, if you want the most “easy” specs in # of buttons, it’s: Devastation > Fury > Havoc

BM is first btw

It’s not, and I outlined above why.

Part of the idea of the new talent tree is that you can build yourself a spec with fewer buttons if that is your preference.

Instead of complaining and trying to force their ideology on everyone else, the players who don’t want buttons should just build themselves a spec with fewer buttons. Nobody’s going to check unless you are noticeably underperforming for the content you’re doing.

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The bulk of the rotation is 3 buttons and it has a few extra CDs.

It suffers none of the weaknesses that dev or fury face and fury is very fast paced.

I sort of agree with both of you on this. But I think the issue is how the interface is not very helpful for keeping track of all the things happening without the help of addons. That mostly includes buffs and debuffs, but I’d also lump in all those abilities with cooldowns of less than 20 seconds.

That’s why when people watch videos of WoW, they see a screen littered with all sorts of nonsense that probably drives them away from the game. It’s truly awful, and the devs in charge of the interface should be ashamed of themselves.

We shouldn’t need to look outside the game for software (legal or illegal) to make WoW an enjoyable experience. And I honestly don’t see autohotkey as something bad if you are using it to string along two or three spells to reduce keybinds. The global cooldown is still there. And more often than not, a really good player can string along those keybinds faster without autohotkey.

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Fury has more APM.
BM has cshot, kc, bshot as base, but it’s constantly trying to use BW, dire beast/KC when it’s UP, eshot and chakram on CD.

It’s not as easy as Fury’s BT, RBlow, BT, RBlow, Rampage → execute on proc with everything else used on CD…

Or the also incredibly easy devastation one: charge skills on CD → disintegrate (3s channel. Press and wait) → Lflame/Astrike for fishing burst procs.

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And don’t forget, BM needs to have a couple of keybinds devoted for pet attack, pet passive, etc…

Let’s not forget how bit a benefit being ranged and having complete freedom of movement is to making a spec easy.

I can make Havoc honestly play way more chill than most of those. I think it is on par with BM hunter if you want it to be super easy and relaxing to play. You’re mostly hitting cooldowns and holding onto chaos strike that auto-fires otherwise.

Exactly. If you think your spec’s too complicated or has too many buttons, build yourself a simpler one with the talent trees. As long as you perform at the level the content requires, no one else’s going to care.

Just throwing in my voice here - you’re not wrong.

I think a lot of the pushback reducing button bloat gets is players assume its people asking for flavour to be reduced - when most people asking for it to be simplified are talking about combat rotation.

With the new talent system, as the original poster pointed out, there is a LOT of overlap with interrupts, CC and defenses. Which could (and should IMO) be pruned down. Some simplification of abilities couldn’t hurt - I know on warlock Affliction is ridiculous atm.