Button Bloat from the Perspective of a Middling Player

I don’t think it’s buttons, per se, it’s the complexity of the overall damage profiles with layers and layers of modifiers and short term buffs.

I think some specs (like enh/ele shamans, affliction) could do with buttons being combined, don’t get me wrong, but the bigger issue is the management of tons of short term combined modifiers.


They did which is why bigger talent trees and abilities returned in DF

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I’m 47 years old. My base rotation uses usually 6 buttons for most classes I play. Cooldowns are situational. Healing goes on Healbot. I’ve looked at screenshots of my bars for most classes I’ve played from past expansions and compared them with this expansion. Almost nothing has changed.

I have no idea what you people are talking about. Yes, there are a few specs that need looked at. But in general, no buttons are fine.


Always someone that’s going to move the conversation from “is this good” to “I did it”

Yeah, SL wasn’t the greatest. But that was compounded on top of a REALLY badly timed lawsuit and china fiasco.

Based on some recent observations, I think a big part of peoples issues are key bind set ups, not using modifiers, and not having an understanding of what macros can do like harm no harm focus and stacking cooldowns with trinkets

so uhm what exactly is a middling player?

Even though I dont think bloat is bad right now (even as a monk) if they do some prune I think I would want it to be to mobility, offensive, and defensive cooldowns.

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I had 97 keybinds in Cata. This current button system is a good number with the exception of brewmaster needing to be looked at.

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Add some cc to that and make some classes have a niche again by the prune and ur gold.

The goal should be accessibilty in mind, there should be enough buttons to comfortably use a controller + a few buttons more.

If your goal is to kill the game and punish good players and reward bad players sure.

Terrible idea imo.

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Probably a combination of:

Hardware + Inefficiency + Stubbornness

I’m using a 7 button mouse, but I only use truly 5 which most $20 mice have. And you realistically have a comfortable and easy 24 keys to use with modifiers, not counting combo-modifiers. Or better yet, learning to use Q / E (Or A S D) as keybinds, or Z X C V F R… Etc.

I hope to god Blizz never designs wow around playing on a controller.


ive always been a fan of ferals rotation. keep your bleeds up and then just bite till it dies. super straight forward and easy for beginners. then when you actually want to play good do you take the bleed timers into account and such

I’m using a $10 5 button mouse lol.

No need to, it’s already comfortably possible. The only difference between a controller and keyboard user would be auto-rotation with key presses, which should be an accessibility thing outside of PvP anyways. It TECHNICALLY exists with some jank involved, but that isn’t ideal.

EDIT: Controller actually has one advantage over keyboard users who don’t exploit it. You can 180 forward movement even in PVP without turning the camera around. Technically possible with remapping your S key to a controller movement but that might fall under exploitation.

damn, that means hardware really isn’t an excuse then. that’s cheap as hell

I came from a time where each class had something unique to them. It should be brought back.

There is already top raiders using controllers, it was celebrated as an accomplishment in sl by the console port discord.

It is possible to do it currently. But it should be more confortable to do. Also it helps new players come onto the game easier. Over complicated games has a tendency to scare them off.

And I’m 57, but I still don’t want to relive the ability squish. It was boring, mind numbingly boring.

Don’t take everything on the talent tree that gives you a button, even if the guides tell you to take them. That was the point of getting the talent trees back, to tailor your character to your desire.

Get a good mouse, I can’t recommend this enough. It will make your life easier.


They still do in their damage profiles.

Name one. Using a controller is so not optimal that I’d bench anyone on my roster for using one.

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It’d be nice if they added better tab cycling for d-pad usage and modifiers on top of it. You can kinda do it with current keybinds but it’s either limited in one way or another.