Button Bloat from the Perspective of a Middling Player

You clearly can’t read.

I said people who don’t raid aren’t a factor in the average of raiders.

Point blank anyone who claims to be above average without aotc isn’t above average.

The specs aren’t bloated. If you think they are then you aren’t using macros or modifiers.

Credibility matters. I don’t really care if someone that’s struggling with the game can’t handle the facts. I’m not going to sugarcoat things because people can’t handle the truth.

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Finally found a few and literally none of them have data on total players in the game lol. But it does show higher participation in all modes as an expansion goes on including Normal / Heroic / Mythic which is actually interesting. Didn’t know clear %'age went up as an expansion goes on too. I would’ve assumed the opposite but it’s neat to know.

Arcane is also under 12 buttons

In my case, those are already occupied by other common binds.

to me bloat has always been a player created problem not a Blizz created one.

Blizz gives us all these option but never forced us to have to use them all . We as players did that to ourselves, but instead of taking responsibility we as players want to blame Blizz for our inability to control ourselves

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LOL! So true :rofl:

Then whenever you find a good one with nice people, it’s the law that you have to put too much pressure on it and get so nervous that you mess up simple mechanics and get embarrassed

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You’re actually one of, if not the most, toxic, condescending person I’ve ever had the misfortune to come across. You have an unearned arrogance about you and an inability to communicate that makes every interaction with you emotionally draining.


That’s a subjective opinion

That’s because aside from all the “doom and gloomers” DF has actually been a very solid expansion.

Traditionally the numbers do go down but it’s the opposite for DF which means the devs are mostly making good decisions

tbh idk since i dont like arcane but i always see people complaining about the rotation so it was a safe assumption based on that

You’re saying this because I called you out on your extreme negativity and bitterness towards the game after your guild imploded on tindral.

You’re probably the most toxic negative person on the forums after that happened

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I don’t disagree, I think DF is a good expansion for the gameplay’s health. As expected the # of players on clears and completion still overall lowers as the expansion goes on but, that’s not abnormal. Pretty natural curve at this point, but the completion rate going up means active players are more often sticking around which is good.

I recently finally leveled a hunter (BM) for the first time and was pretty shocked at how smooth and honestly fun it is. My main is going to stay my Shaman, but that hunter might replace my 'Lock as my #2 toon.

During mythic Fyrakk prog our warrior thought the RL called wipe and heoric leaped off of the platform.

We still tease him about it.

Man I can’t wait until we get pruned and you people start whining about how we lost good abilities.


I think this speaks more on how uninteresting and boring and generic alternate on-use effects can be instead of it being considered button bloat. You can actively go for passive trinkets and more passive talent builds over more active ones, it’s a choice you have - especially if you aren’t progging or doing high-level M+ or Mythic raiding stuff.

The issue is currently trying to recover from SL. It wasn’t the worst expansion but it was up there on the list.

A lot of people came back during covs and saw a lot of the same issues that started with WoD and left. DF was a good step in the right direction

Arcane was really bad in 10.0 because of the rotation. The mage rework in 10.1.5 helped fix a lot of its issues.

The issue with arcane is if you don’t stack the modifiers correctly or delay your damage your damage gets tanked.

It’s more of a if you get hit with a mechanic and can’t do your burst window issue than a button bloatbissue.

As an older player myself, I really like this breakdown. I counted up my keybinds, and I’m at 29. I recently leveled up a Rogue, and the button bloat is real and also, doesn’t feel very powerful. I wonder if Blizzard has done any research on what players would find optimal.

I leveled up a BM hunter and that didn’t feel like quite enough buttons to keep me busy, the same with fire mage. My brewmaster tank has a ton of buttons, but still feels fun because each ability has an immediate impact that is satisfying. The VDH I’m posting with is in a good spot I feel. The rotation is pretty tight, mostly spamming 2-4 abilities, and then situational abilities and defensive cooldowns.

I’m curious how many buttons most players would like to push in any given scenario. Your breakdown of 4 high frequency, 3 medium frequency, and a handful of situational one offs feels like a good place to start. Do we need to press more than 10-12 abilities to be stimulated and engaged in a fight?


I agree, too much required to perform well with current specs flavors and “rotations”.