But like what’s the point of getting rid of strider water walking?

You’ve answered your own questions in the first line of this quote. Anything beyond what they did would require more time / effort. This is the kind of solution they could pack into a .x level patch. Anything more elaborate would have to have waited until 9.0

As for why they didn’t do this to the sky golem, that’s cause they don’t want more mounts gathering. If they didn’t exempt the sky golem, they’d have to add an item that lets any mount herb. Then people would be all ‘why not have one that lets me mine / skin / fish while mounted too?’


I made the exact same point. Add to the water walking if necessary, don’t take it away and try to reincorporate it into another system.


This x10

And, 10 char min >.>

You’re all having a whinge about this, but you should be thankful they didn’t just do what they normally do in 90% of these situations and just remove water walking from the strider altogether without any alternative system.

Just Blizzard spending more time on the important stuff, like water walking, footstep sounds and the size of the fluffy cloud underneath the red flying disc.

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Op,the reason people are mad is because they grinded to get the mount back in mop,we’ve wasted time now since they are removing the ability that mount was saute after.It’s not about being an elitist it’s about value.

Blizzard lords wanted an even playing field at the get go of 8.2 because of pathfinder ,so now the took the water strider ability and slapped a pair of shoes on it to make up for it’s lost which doesn’t work the same. Gave into those that wanted other mounts so they can have the even kul .


That’s the next expansion. Somehow our mounts are going to magically forget how to use the equipment until we do a bunch of stuff.


Ok, but now you can have a choice which mounts in your collection that can water walk, vs only the strider that can do it.

How is giving players more choice dictating to us how to play?

It isn’t fair to those that did.

Besides its not like the rep was removed from the game. It is very much still there for you to do at your leisure.


How is blizzard “eradicating” water walking from the game, when it will now be tied to mount equipment that you can still use?

of reacquiring an ability we already earned and therefore abandoning the use of the other equipment.

It doesn’t give more choice, it gives the illusion of choice. It gives one option to keep water walking unless you want to dump gold to respec your mounts. Yes all mounts will now be water walking, but you lose slowfall/antidaze as an option… and whatever they put on it next expansion.

  • Will you use the water walking so you can get through the new open world dungeons/raid that have a lot of swimming?
  • Will you use anti-daze to get through the zone that has an infestation of no health hostile mobs you can not avoid?
  • Will you use slowfall to navigate the zone that’s terraced and every other drop is just high enough to kill you?
  • Will you use flight so you can get through your WQs faster and level alts, but does nothing in the above mentioned zones?

Pick one…


Let me explain it in simple terms,I have a car and a motorcycle ,one I use on the trail the other(car) on the road. Ok ,they have value for what I intend them to be used.

Now,my lords come to me and said you can’t have those tires on them you need skis because other people want them because it cool.I look and say I can’t used them because that’s not what I intended them to be used in the first place.

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How can we lose something we’ve never had before? I see the frustration by the assumption that folks will want to use water walking over the other traits - which is odd, since self-crafting dreanor water walking potions are basically free with garrison resources and using the alchemy station. But logically, I can’t reconcile how I lose something I’ve never had access to on a mount: slow fall, as an example.

because water striders are ugly and we need to see less of them. Should never have put them in the game.

Then can i have a mosquito mount instead.Those would be even uglier than a water strider and flies.

Hey,Blizzard make it so.

2 hrs of usage (8 hrs for blacksmiths) out of the Monel-Hardened Stirrups, which allows you to interact without dismounting. Pop on a set of those, run up to the highest mountain in Kul Tiras, take a leap of faith and then pop a Goblin Glider. Note that you remain mounted, and upon safely returning to terra firma, you’re already at speed on the run, tall in the saddle.

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You fail to see the issue that is being argued. It’s the removal of a trait we worked for, that anyone can work for, and being put on a consumable.

Until water walking pots no longer work on mounts. Has always been available to those without or dislike the bugs… and take mats/time to regain what we already earned.

Imagine with me for a moment:

Patch 9.l.o.l
Wings have been removed from paladins.
Character extra action equipment has been implemented.
All characters can now choose from: Faster hearth, damage reduction, or wings.

I can get wings, quick hearth, or a defensive cd… you get to chose if you want your wings back or one of the other two options.


I still don’t agree we’re losing slow fall, an option we don’t have currently, on our mount. I can empathize with your sentiment regarding water walking. Please don’t patronize me, in sincerely trying to understand how we can lose something we never had access to. We still have the option accessible to us: water walking or slow fall.

Now if we want to assign values / metrics on which is more valuable an option, that, to me, is an entirely different topic.

That works now but 8.2 it wouldn’t because the monel-hardened stirrups can’t be use where we’re going til we craft the new version.


I can see that, but my conundrum is the statement that we’re losing the option to choose slow fall over water striding. I think what’s being argued is that we shouldn’t have to choose.