I don’t get it. I know this discussion is new and has never been discussed before just using google and scrolling the forums I can’t find anything on it, scratches forums and sniffs I still smell the sass in the air. Gimmie the scoop!
Because it’s not fair to the people who never grinded out the rep for the water strider. We’re all equals here now, bud.
But WAIT!!! Like why get rid of it from the strider? Why not keep it for the strider and give people the option for the equipment?
Because it’s not fair for other players to not have something only elitists have.
Ah yea makes sense >.>.> homies be jelly of casual content.
Because that would be a reasonable and sensible thing to do, and we can’t be having that around in the game, of course.
It’s not about being jealous. I pay the same amount for a sub that you do each month so I am entitled to the same perks and gear you have, whether or not I worked for it.
YOO same give me AOTC pls I pay 15$ a month and I don’t even play the game.
They should remove AotC also, because it’s not fair and it’s for elitists.
If you have a strider, you get one of the water walking items for free. But like what’st he point in complaining about it?
But like why remove its ability to walk on water?¿?
Blizzard tried to remove it start of legion by making it only useable in the expansion zones it came from (blue: MoP, red: Wod) but recieved backlash.
Mount equipment is their way of removing it by shifting it to a system they can either gate down the line, scrap or make it the lesser choice out of the available options.
The easiest solution would of been adding a consumable buff that gave watervwalking like bardings and stirrups.
Because most people are using it solonely cause of the function instead of other mounts, making the rep grind of other mounts kinda useless too. If in this system you can stack two functions on the strider he then keep beign overpowered. Now you can make all them walk and dont need professions goods to obtain the same item wiith your angler rep whereas everybody gotta pay more expansive prices to get the same water walking equipement thing. So basically you guarantee an infinite supply of the mount equipment to walk on water while others depende on server economy, making the rep grind not a waste of time.
Apparently we were playing the game wrong.
I often think this might be true.
Thats bad then, the dude thst farmed the rep have the upper hand since he doesnt need to rely on server economy to have the equipment.
In this day and age none of that nonsense matters, only equality matters. Stop living in the past.
Man, here’s how casual I am. Before this expansion, I had 0 idea wtf AOTC stood for.
So I just assumed everyone was very religious and wanted to know if you believed in the Ark of the Covenant.
Because what’s the point of getting other mounts when Strider is always going to be the best one?
Because it is superior to their new system and also they will design the game in a way to make you choose anti-daze or other equipment instead of WW so they can fool stockholders by inflating your average time played.