so where’s the 8.3 patch notes saying the next patch will not be a repeat of Argus i.e no flying?
given the past track record of Blizzard going back on promises I don’t think its expecting too much to give it to us it in writing letting us know we can fly in the end game zones of BFA BEFORE that part of the content and not after its live and then living up to such by not changing their minds just because it became convenient for the company to do so
Shrug, you can call out Bliz (this is what they said). My experience is closer to Bliz’s than yours, when I do WQs out in Nazmir, I see a literal sea of striders… I only see Sky Golems in Drustvar when I’m herbing (and yeah, see tons of them doing that).
I think we should have been given the choice: keep strider as it is (but no water walking on other mounts) or sacrifice it and get ww on all other mounts… I’d burn my bug, seen enough of it after 7 years
I’m very much looking forward to using my scorpion during the rep grind of the pathfinder part 2… bye strider!
so players who quest and gain rep, eventually to exalted are elitists? perhaps you should contact Mirriam-Webster and let them know they now have a new definition of Elitist.
BTW this is what was listed :
(of a person or class of persons) considered superior by others or by themselves, as in intellect, talent, power, wealth, or position in society: elitist country clubbers who have theirs and don’t care about anybody else.
catering to or associated with an elitist class, its ideologies, or its institutions: Even at such a small, private college, Latin and Greek are under attack as too elitist.
a person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society: He lost a congressional race in Texas by being smeared as an Eastern elitist.
a person who believes in the superiority of an elitist class.
Or maybe quit being so negative all the time. A little positivity never hurt anybody. He didnt promise flight in Argus like you said. He did promise flight for the test of BFA. You don’t even know if there is going to be another landmass of some sort we are going to in 8.3. You are just speculating based on your negative POV of previous patches. Occam’s Razor says we will be flying in 8.3 because that requires the least amount of assumptions.
Deductive logic suggests that they follow the same pattern they have been doing since pathfinder’s inception. Their design philosophy has been on rails and there are only assumptions to think they HAVE changed course.
That’s where you are wrong because the Game Director himself said we were flying for the rest of BFA. You are assuming he is lying. You are assuming that they are even adding another landmass to take flight away. I am only taking him at his word.
Just curious, are you new to blizzard’s ways? Ion is well known for his lawyer speak. Let me pose to you a very likely possibility:
They introduce a new Argus in 8.3 while you keep flying in all zones from 8.0-8.2. You are “still flying” so there was no lying.
Bad idea.
The same guy that said flying wouldn’t take as long to arrive in BFA as it did before.
The same guy that said they were not going to be doing any more pruning in BFA yet that is exactly what happened through the loss of artifact abilities(most of which didn’t get added to the talent tree).
The same guy that said broken classes would be fixed in 8.1 but instead, they’re just kicking that can down the road until 9.0.
Are we really going to sit here and act like blizzard’s word holds much value anymore?