But like what’s the point of getting rid of strider water walking?

A ‘View Activity’ search is so helpful; especially when accusations are being thrown.
five minutes doing both of you has clearly shown who is in the right here.
And it ain’t you.


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No, it is a mount that is very easy to make (even back in MOP I would make 2 a month to sell). However, it is a mount that most people buy vs make, so that means it encourages micro-transactions.

With that said, the mount is losing its value since they introduced the barding, hoofplates, and stirrups. So it will soon be on the endangered mount list. Especially if they introduce an interact with things while mounted equipment.


That doesn’t contradict a thing I said. It is not “Easy” in the sense that it is time-gated; one could only crank out so many in a given time frame.

The point is, it is a mount with value, and crashing that market would be an actual detrimental thing done to the playerbase, as opposed to the fake CHicken Little nonsense of “my WoW life is ruined becuase I can’t stride across a river!” :rofl:

Has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. :roll_eyes:

I rest my case.

I only play 3 hours due to work and taking care of my grandmother and I still managed to get it. And that’s not even everyday. So don’t assume everyone plays everyday and plays 18 hours that has the mount.

Doesn’t matter. I still pay the same sub fee so I deserve everything everyone else has.

Personally, I’d be more for the Mount Equipment system if it was per-mount instead of per-character. I have mounts I think fit thematically for my alts, and it’d be nice to have a reason to swap between them for different purposes. Like others have pointed out, implementing it on a per-character basis is simply forcing us to burn gold to continuously swap Equipment or mats to keep a supply of Gliders, Hoofplates, and Stirrups. I understand why they’re doing it this way (get more gold out of the system, laziness, giving players a giant middle finger) but I absolutely do not agree with it.


OH SNAP!! I didn’t even think of them gating this and blocking it in the near future, I can so see it now it makes sense!! Thats big sad ;( Time for sad boi hours.

F in chat for a game that use to be fun and exciting and would pay off for commitment. Tbh sometimes I wonder who at blizz woke up one day and was like “WE NEED TO GET RID OF WALKING ON WATER ABILITY FOR STRIDERS!!!” They themselves must get salty when that boi rolls up on a strider and safely avoids all the mobs.


Except nothing his said is true.

For Lulz?:clown_face:

Youre joking, right?
There is no ‘elitism’ in that little grind for a Water Strider. Anyone of any competence level can do it pretty quick. I did it twice.
And its perfectly fine for ME to have something I did the work for and for you not to have it if you didnt do the work…pathfinder anyone?


No, I’m not joking. I am entitled to the same perks and gear as everyone else, we pay the same monthly fee.

You can’t be serious. Are you? I know we shouldn’t compare games to real life, but applying it to:

College - I pay for the same tuition, therefore I’m entitled to the same grades you are.

Work - we both work for the same company, so I’m entitled to the same pay you are.

It’s just a terrible mentality. The water strider is still in the game and can easily be acquired by anyone. I think making it exempt to the equipment would have venr the great way to go. Same as the sky golem.

This game makes me sad at times. Too much entitlement, and it isn’t healthy for the game.

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So what should be done about it?

In other words,there doesn’t matter to argue about it it’s done get over it and move on.But that doesn’t bring to light of what would happen when these lords would constantly misdirect in order to get thing s done here in the now and in the future.

With you it’s nothing to others,which you don’t support,it’s tough manure.

There are no winners just losers with circumventing logic as Tarc presents .Nice play but the cards are against Tarc. Play again.

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He’s being sarcastic. The funny part is it really is hard to tell because there does seem to be that mindset these days with the people who defend changes like this.

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Who are you again?

That’s a total bullshpit answer on their part.

There have ALWAYS been more sky golems than striders, except when traversing water, which is exactly the strider’s purpose.