Burning of Teldrassil is Narrative Poison

To put that in the context of the game -

A character with 5 years of play time at level 1, who only RPs, and never left the starting zone, might have more age… but a character created a few minutes ago, that killed a few boars, and dinged to level 2, would have more experience.

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Blizzard, and many fantasy authors, do not know how to write long-lived characters. Comparing characters like Tyrande to an elderly human isn’t a very good idea imo. The scale of her age and her sheer experience should lead to more of a patient personality.


Spoken like a wise person, regardless of your age. You have learned from experience.

before Socrates visited the Oracle of Delphi he was a skeptic in the Oracles ability, but he was quickly bested by the wise young preistess who told him “You will be remembered as the greatest wise man, for the one truth, only you know.”

In sarcasm, Socrates replied, “The only truth only I know, is I know nothing.” which was ultimately one of his greatest lessons.

In awe he gifted the Oracle of Delphi a plaque hang over the door leading to the Oracles chamber, which only read “Know thyself.”

Only a fool thinks they know everything.

“My favorite character is old ergo Tyrone windshi ld is better than everyone else in every conceivable way. Blizzard is wrong and so is anyone who disagrees with me.”

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You’re a tempest in a teapot Dread :rofl:

A piece of art directed by James Jacobs the creator of Sandpoint Village originally for Dungeon Master Guide 2 and later for the Jade Regent Pathfinder Adventure Path.

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I don’t remember saying that Tyrande was my favorite character, or even saying that I have a favorite character.

Tyrone Windshield spent almost 10,000 years at peace.

My favorite character is WoW is Thrall, so I guess I’m fairly lucky in that regard, though he hasn’t been done well since Cataclysm, and took a big downturn (along with everything else) in WoD.

Those arguing that that Dragonflight appears to be going in a good direction are obviously ignoring the fact that they seem to have no intention of wrapping up this story anytime soon and blizzard are investing more and more time into this content.

Also with the direction they seem to be taking it isn’t going to resolve the complaints, infact are only making things worse. So they are going to continue to try fix it and invest more time and content trying to fix it

So until they give the alliance an actual tangible victory and something to actually be happy with we aren’t going to see this story be resolved anytime soon.

If Horde players are sick of hearing about it then they should also push for blizzard to just give alliance a win instead of arguing for reasons on why they shouldn’t. That way we can get back to getting stories about other more productive storylines.

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Blizzard seems content on ignoring BfA and SL outside of finishing up the Teldrassil storyline and giving the Kaldorei a new home.

Blizz doesn’t seem interested in giving the alliance a tangible win, since they admitted that the faction war isn’t going to play that big of a role going forward

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Tangible win is a mirage. Nobody will agree on what constitutes a tangible win and nobody will be happy with what Blizzard thinks is a “tangible win”. Trust me. These are the people who thought that the Purge of Dalaran was supposed to be a fist pump moment for the Alliance. Stop and think about that.


I do not think so. Not everyone has to walk away with a happy victory for a story to be resolved. It could very well be resolved with an armistice and cooperation going forward, with a few belligerents on the fringes holding grudges to make it interesting.

That is one heck of a statement. I have a hard time knowing where to start…

Sick of hearing about what, exactly? Alliance complaints? Nothing would stop that.

They could have an entire Game System called Warfronts dedicated to showing the Alliance winning both Arathi and Darkshore, and the Alliance Posters still would complain they are not winning enough.

The Alliance has wins, but they are not enough for some of the more rabid fans. Quite a few Horde Posters such as myself have expressed that the Alliance could use some love from the Devs - as long as it does not come at the expense of the Horde. But the rabid Alliance Posters will not be sated. They just want to see the Horde punished and humiliated further.


And the same people who thought the burning of Teldrassil was a fist pump moment. I only remember the shock and horror part. Was there ever a fist bump moment outside of people’s skewed memories of a few fan reaction videos.

The Burning of Teldreassil was a tragedy for all parties.


As seen by my post above, I am in the “Let’s Move On” camp, but let’s not pretend that Warfronts were some great Alliance victory that Alliance players should be happy about. They didn’t “show” the Alliance winning anything. That was announced at Blizzcon and kind of shown in the case of Darkshore by a glitchy crappy thrown together cut scene that they fairly clearly were doing as damage control.


If Blizzard wanted to move on from the Burning of Teldrassil, you’d think they’d quit bringing it up.


As far as Blizzard is concerned the story IS wrapped up… and years in the past. The woman responsible has been sentenced to pretty much an eternity redeeming every single soul in the Maw whether she sent them there or not. She is to remain in the Maw until she is the only soul there.


Yeah I don’t agree with people saying that Blizzard is trying to use the time skip to move on, because characters keep mentioning it. Aren’t the night elf shaman villains’ motivations directly because of it?


Yeah, that’s literally the topic of this thread, which seems to have been forgotten.

I think the fact is that even they know that in-universe, the characters will never, EVER stop bringing it up, and it violates logic for them NOT to do so, regardless of how the players feel.