Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 9

My favorite thing about all of this is the people who say “You should have transferred the month before when they warned you”

^^^^This statement literately does not apply anymore or change the fact that in the blue post they stated 2 WEEKS for auto consolidation. IT IS IN WRITING “2 WEEKS”


Some salt on the wound as well is that these mergers count towards the character transfer 90 day cooldown. Tried moving this lock off Sulfuras just to see if I could… nope it said, on transfer cooldown.


No way? really? I was going to transfer it off Sulfuras. That is a load of crap

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Apparently so. It is the only one to process for the merger so I can’t test it on any other characters, but talk about a slap to the face lol

Response to my support ticket:

Thank you for contacting us about the recent Burning Crusade realm consolidations or that one or more characters appear to be missing.
In June we announced several Burning Crusade realms will be retired and characters on those realms moved to a different realm.
At this time the character moves are still ongoing and not yet complete. News on the process will be posted to the forum threads linked below. Please follow those for updates, as well as details of the move and which realms have been retired.
They include a list of the original-to-destination realms to help you find where characters are being moved to and where you should check for your characters. Restrictions on the number of characters per realm have also been lifted.
US Realms:
Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 9
EU Realms:
Please note, characters on a single account may not be moved all at once. So if you see some, but not all your characters have moved, that is to be expected any others will follow shortly. No characters were deleted by these realm retirements, they are simply in the process of being sent to a new home!
Unfortunately, we do not currently have information on if free character migrations might be enabled again or for what realms they might appear. For future updates on that, please check in the Burning Crusade forums.


Finally, some sort of response.

Chiming in myself, half my characters are also still gone. Funnily enough so far they have only transfered the characters I don’t really care about. My main and my bank alt with all my stuff is still out in the void. Very unnerving to be honest


Literately, why haven’t they just posted this yet. Jesus Christ. All we wanted was an update

I got the same ticket response as above. I’m pretty upset still and here is how I responded:

This doesn’t answer my question fully.
Also a simple post on the forums back in late July (giving roughly a week to respond) is not adequate for players who are currently unsubscribed from the game. They are obviously not checking forums regularly. I received no emails that my characters would be stuck in limbo. On August 9th I decided to resubscribe and bring a couple of my characters over to Benediction. I got one character transferred just before maintenance and was surprised to see my characters missing afterwards on Netherwind which led me to check the forums.

Will my character be stuck on that new server?
Can I transfer them off there immediately?

If I cannot transfer my character off that server immediately (which is a scam to have to pay for given the notice described above) then I would like to have a free boosted character that I might potentially “replace” the one that is lost forever to a server I had no awareness of.

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so i received 1 of my 4 alts… and obviously it wasnt 1 of my 2 level 70’s they gave me back a level 28 paladin… lmao c’mon blizzard just get us our alts back 14 days of sub wasted…

Exactly how I feel. Many of us with this issue have very few posts. I don’t get on the forums hardly at all. When I do I only see toxic crap that is regulated only by edge lords reporting each other. There needs to be some full time community managers imo but whatever.
How do they expect some small part of a forum post to be adequate notification for such a huge merge?

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Some salt on the wound as well is that these mergers count towards the character transfer 90 day cooldown. Tried moving this lock off Sulfuras just to see if I could… nope it said, on transfer cooldown.

Not sure if this is any consolation, but that’s a bug. I experienced it too and still am, I sent out 2 tickets and got a reply on Twitter saying that this shouldn’t occur. We’re the outliers in the dumbest way possible lmao… Apparently something triggered the cooldown when it shouldn’t have.

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I just got the same exact response which was obviously copied and pasted to everyone with a ticket in. This did not answer anything (my isssue being I already had a Horde toon on Sulfuras, so my Alliance main from a server that merged to it is MIA), and I suspect they’re just looking to close as many open tickets as possible right now without actually providing any solutions.


The best part is when you realize that WoTLK was announced 8/19 well after merge limbo hell month began. They really messed this one up they should have started the merges after the announcement that brought everyone back to classic. Way to start your WoTLK experience with your whole account being deleted…

Hi wow team,

Any updates on where my characters got lost? Was it netherstorm? or did Arthas plague them into oblivion?

This is appalling…Hire more people and stick to your announcements. WHERE ARE MY TOONS?


Same for me, all my characters are greyed out and unplayable/unable to be cloned…but they’re all there on the classic server. So they haven’t been deleted yet, and haven’t been automatically moved.

I wish they’d just open the cloning back up and allow all of us to do it ourselves and be done with it.

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Phew! Okay, that is a consolation because I very much would like to transfer this lock lol. Thanks for that info!

There is a high chance even if it does make it to sulfuras, you will be locked from transferring your character. Dont get your hopes up. My rogue has been locked from transferring off sulfuras without any guild or incoming/outgoing mail, AH items etc (in their pre-requistes to transfer).

I missed all this about taking a free transfer because I wasn’t playing BC Classic. I tried to come back to prepare for WotLK and my character was gone. He finally reappeared on Sulfuras today but is level 2 instead of 70. I can’t find any ticket options that match up to this issue. Please help. Character name is Cloper, gnome warlock. I think he was on Netherwind before.


Weeks later and my main on Netherwind is MIA. Opened a ticket and Blizzard sends me to this forum with a bunch of stale posts and a bunch of people missing their characters. I guess misery loves company. Where can we find a status on our characters?