Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 9

The way these transfers are being handled has been incredibly unprofessional. Little to no communication, blowing past deadlines with no response, no compensation for missed customer playable time. This is something youd expect from a company running a scam.


Haven’t even saw a single one of my characters yet.

Aye Blizzy you ok?


where my characters blizz. get it together


That is unacceptable. Everyone coming back to the game for wrath just locked in purgatory unable to xfer to their friends. I’d be ticketing


Blizz transferred my bank toon and an alt successfully from Thunderfury to Sulfuras a few days ago. There were a few more lowbie alts I won’t be too sad about if they never show, but my main is still MIA. When can we expect an answer?? It’s been more than two weeks now Blizz…


All of my characters locked. My twinks that I worked so hard on… Blizzard just sends me an automated reply to come to forums to read 16 day old information… what a joke


So I just checked to see my Warrior finally got transferred over… Only it wasn’t the level 60 Warrior I had cloned to TBC before launch, no no no! They transferred another level 8 Warrior of the same name that was still on Classic that I never cloned!


I’m still missing 2 39 twinks. My level 29 just appeared out of thin air the last few hours.

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Has there been an update on this? It’s been over 2 weeks and I still don’t have access to my character.


They transferred my level 3 naked dwarf priest so at least I got that going for me.


1 single lvl 5 alt showed up. my 64 main char and other alts have yet to show up. at this point blizzard i’ll take a couple free 60 boosts just to get started i dont care anymore this sucks.


1 toon has finally shown up for me. A level 8 alt. Come on guys…

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This is ridiculous. They have set false expectations with zero updates regarding the transfer of these toons. They make it harder to get back to the game for long time players.

Demanding compensation for desired realm transfers of our choosing.


I just miss my characters. This is painful. I paid for a subscription thinking I would be able to play but still nothing.


Day 16 after blue post. My account is empty. I only have 2 lvl 70 toons, so i paid my sub to see my empty account for 1 month. They were on heartseeker. there not a single toon on sulfuras right now. But for sure, my game time goin down is completly fine working 100% :smiley:


I want it known to everyone here. I keep opening tickets which they just keep closing and giving me a link to this exact forum post where we are all crying for help. They said there will be an update regarding this, but they did not say when or where it would be. since this post is obviously not updated I don’t believe i will be getting my high lvl characters back at this point. We have been fd out of a month of game time which we pay for they don’t. and they haven’t given us the time of day to explain anything.


16 DAYS WITHOUT my character…HELLO? anyone? did i lose my gold? where are they?


I put in a ticket the other day and received a response.

“…as much as I would love to help you out, it seems the finish of the transfer has been delayed so some characters are still missing, but don’t worry the characters have not vanished and you will be able to use them again even if i cannot currently give you any time estimates.”

So for the most part nothing we did not already know. The transfers are taking longer than expected for whatever reason, and they do not know when it will be complete. I have a bad feeling about this.

Well for what it’s worth, my low level warrior finally popped in last night as I said above, and now this morning I have a low level mage that showed up as well.

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One of my 3 characters finally became available this morning, unfortunately it was just a level 3 and not my main.

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