While i agree this is kind of like that, the fact is that these huge servers are self sufficient now and likely don’t need the injection of new players to keep them healthy and bustling with groups and guilds.
If they prevented players rolling on these severs (25-30k active players is massive) and forced new players to roll on the medium pop servers, its likely they could reach those really high population caps that lead to the realm being healthy and not dieing because there are enough players online to support doing content around the clock.
I dont have an answer as I am not an employee in charge of maintaining realms.
I would however like them to do something. Posing the question to a random forum goer “WhAT WoUlD yOu Do?” seems like a cop out because you dont care about faction balance or the performance of servers.
I’d rather not watch a server lag so bad you cant perform simple actions in cities without significant delay. Or have player interaction be entirely 1 faction.