World PvP is Dead

flight simulator problems

All you need is the range to land a few good warlock dots.
Flight’s cancelled.

Eh most of whitemane came to Benediction.


(Did you figure out how to make the x bigger?)

Why are you always talking about size?

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I don’t. It killed off my retail server of Emerald Dream. Too many people turned warmode off and we were left fighting randoms from different phased servers.

Glad to have a community back with Classic. Glad to have realm-only WPvP back with a balanced server of Grob.

Grob’s full. We don’t need any refugees. Hope the PvErs are enjoying their boring swamp servers.

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Famous last words.

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things happened because blizzard provided free migration of characters without planning, this made dissatisfied players or PVE players leave or go to realms where their faction was stronger, which generated this imbalance, consequently the imbalance caused many to be forced to leave so they don’t get slaughtered because of it, but this has happened now in season 2 of TBC I play and follow since the beginning of the classic, at least the servers Benediction and Faerlina, anyway that doesn’t change the fact that this situation is not their fault ours and it’s totally pointless, and that BLIZZARD has to fix it. completing I see a problem in releasing for PVE players who are so afraid or who hate PVP to be able to go to PVE realms, because there is a place to have only one faction

Horde on benediction is the most fun I’ve had in such a long time, no joke.


want to know who i am??? my nick is Ratiufly, I’m a Horde on benediction server. is it me or are you the one who’s scared?

Blizzard should just change the tag to PVE for every imbalanced realm.

its happenin on grobb what u doin

Does anyone care? I mean it’d be kinda cool at times I guess? But I much prefer being able to play the actual game instead of “ghost-run simulator” because you can’t go 30 seconds without being jumped by 10 players.

So yea…

Off time or not in a hot zone sounds like.

My first night in hillsblad/south shore/tauren mills I went in expecting to be floored on the BE hunter.

NO pvp for hours. Was kind of disappointed. Now a Weekend trip there later I found pvp there. Well more like it found me first a few times lol.

Solo skills need to be worked on. I have relied on (epic) bg spam and team mates in retail too much it seems.

gotta disagree, ur forced to raid to get gear to pvp (or literally not have a job and play 100+hrs a week to get rank gear)

just for that reason alone vanilla pvp sucks

What exactly does this do?

Nothing changes on the server if you tag it as a different server type rofl, we dont wpvp on the server anyway, what are we losing?

its still not wpvp when people can just fly away on their mounts, no matter the server. its just not wpvp anymore

WPVP doesn’t really matter.

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Says you, I find they have a hard time running while rooted

the honor / gear system was terrible
pvp was monopolized bu 2-3 classes
absolute lack of class/racials balance
and many more
but yeah the way you gear up for pvp was just awful