Burning Blade Alliance Reconnections

Joodas! Holy cow I remember ya! I’m doing really great. Hope you are doing well yourself. Super hyped for classic! I’ll be playing horde on the server Herod. I remember very few people from our guild. The GM was Nebucanezar, a hunter officer Dragonkeepea and a warlock Phobophile. I also can think of two warriors named Goobey and Chestor. This forum is awesome. :slight_smile:

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wow thats a lot of names i havent heard of in awhile :smiley:


Dont worry, Im in the Herod Discord. Waiting for you, all of the ppl I talk to still from burning blade that I raided with find that hilarious. Was it Eagleclaw or was it Enst from TFB that started trolling you about dating a 18 year old in your mid to late(putting mid to be nice) 20s? Dont worry I remember you coming to my High School and trying to yell out the char name I played, with you trying to call me out as I walked out to my bro’s car.

Anyone talk to Xargock from Legends? Or Alicia from Vaders Fist?

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Hey man, I’m good! You thinking about playing classic?

Definitely man!

OMFG I wish I knew! They were great people!

Lemonjello- Female Human War
Nightforce, Ascended, Mostly Harmless

Dude why are doing this lol You added me on discord randomly a month ago and started harassing me because I was in Redeemed. Why does something that happened 10+ years ago still bug you?!

Naves - Male Human Warrior
Mystical Knights

See lots of familiar names on ally, and via BGs.

Katelina :stuck_out_tongue: . Anyone talk to nexus/noxx/voj or halcyon recently?

Ganymede = Sexy Druid Heals


My name was Ku or Kublamo

Manifest Destiny
Forgotten Heroes

The Surge folks may remember me abandoning them for FH when AQ came out! What a dick, I know!

I’ll be playing on Faerlina as my original name, Ku

I remember a lot of you who have posted so far! Looking forward to classic!

Male Night Elf Shadow Priest - Kryll

Looking for some old friends from the East Coast US:

  • Tomisgood / Tomisgud
  • Sidee
  • Slothee

Demonezia from Chaos Requiem - Extremely proud guild that progressed quite well in early end game at the time.

I will be on Stalagg and have posted here:


Poke. Nice to see you again Dynod.

I played Alliance on Burning Blade. My Night Elf Hunter was Esaris, my Night Elf Priest was Eyna and my Human Rogue was Ninyo. I still play the game and plan to play the classic.

1 Word Burning Blade, ask Makoma why he would go to a high school to harass someone IRL about him being trolled.

Anyone think Zentru from demise is dead yet? Better yet what about Starla from Mystical Knights?

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I remember Starla pretty well. Trying to think of some other names, Davion, Darkmode, Perr, Sharpe, Avenathre.

Hey, I remember you!

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Natural Selection
Anyone I use to game with!

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Zentruu!!! My two favourite moments in Vanilla were;

  1. Gudruni singing on Tyranny vent Zentruu been gone (Since you’ve been gone - Kelly Clarkson)

  2. Juvey abusing me mercilessly after I pasted his phone number in Global Chat