Chaos Requiem Calls Former Burning Bladers / Sen'jin Players

Greetings all.

The one and only original Demonezia here - I am going to give WoW Classic a shot and see if anyone will be coming back. Yes I will be alliance, yes I will be a Warlock again, and DemonJr may be coming around again if I’m on long enough :slight_smile:

I will be on the Stalagg PVP server.

Chaos Requiem calls all former members - will you answer the call?

To further entice you, here is a reminder of our guild promotion videos on Burning Blade, and Sen’jin:

Original Promo Video from Burning Blade:

Promo Video from Sen’jin:

One last bit of nostalgia - CR Burning Blade’s first Ragnaros Kill (Thanks Taproot):

I hope to see some of you there.
