Burning Blade Alliance Reconnections

Miev! How are you doin!? Annihilation druid officer here, Joodas! Jenecy was my gf at the time. Small world

Anyone talk to Hadred? – crazy night elf priest guy… i think he was in tyranny for a bit before he went to Defiance.

Hi DST! <3 Lunas

Remember both of your names also. Glad to see things worked out.

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Hadred was a great guy to play with! Hope we see him in Classic.

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NELF Priest

Ascended - Destined… Not sure after that
Rolling on Herod
Couple of familiar faces!

OMG LUNAS? <3 add me! Dst#1526

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Do you happen to remember Nagolgnik from Paper Street? I play OW with him regularly. :slight_smile:


Hi, Helicon! I’m a maybe…lol

For Tyranny folks (Baz, Arry, Kidz, etc), hit me up at Zorander#1968 on Bnet. My brother (BungalowBill) and I are going to be rolling together again.

Any BB players welcome. We have about 10 folks together so far.


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Anyone ever know what happened to Shinta and Breanne from Ascended and Devout?

I remember Storm…they broke off from Raiders of Light. Can’t remember the guy that founded it.

Was he a hunter? I remember the name but not so much other things.

I see that nobody is talking about Raiders of Light… Were they not remembered? My first ever guild back in Classic. We were the top guild in BB at one point. Any old Raiders of Lights boys still playing or gonna play Classic?
Just to name a few of these Legends:

Also looking for Lostchild. First friend to come across while leveling back then. Hopefully he still plays. Great Hunter buddy.


Kinglogan was my homie back in vanilla. Ask him if he still has the lady vashj kill vid? Are yall planning on playing classic?

Anyone know if TFB is making a guild on classic? or what server they will be rolling on?

It was my first ever guild and played with them far into Vanilla!

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What was that? Say again. :laughing:

I deleted my post and logged onto this character! Gracie is a random alt…lol i posted earlier talking bout Raiders of Light!

Hah I see, heck yeah man. Good to see someone who was apart of Raiders of Light. Thought they all quit playing lol.

I think many of them have unfortunately…I was a real young buck and barely remember peoples character names these days as school has taken over my brain but I miss the community of the guild! I remember the ole dwarf priest as GM and the rest of the Michigan folks.

TuMuerte #11920 toss me a friend invite on bnet bud!