Burning Blade Alliance Reconnections

Yeah I remember you Falron I used to raid with you in CBH, I was that Ret Pally that was allowed to raid 40 mans as one back then, how you been?

Yes. That was our guild. I couldn’t remember the name of it. With Euqebrab.

Don’t show Lunas the snake meat.

Hey all - just checking in - good God its been a while.

Riecheck mentioned I should pop by. Shout out to the ROL folks Kai, Darb, Kalrick, Sera, Cin, and Pitcha and anyone I missed :stuck_out_tongue:

And of course the folks @TFB

Going to try and get in at some point but RL is kicking my butt atm

Glad to see goo got first post, lol.


Forbin, wrong Avatar! =D

Gotta put my mark on the wall too then.

I ran into Raiders of Light who invited me into a ZG to tank the Snake boss. I couldn’t do it until Hilbert came in to do it proper. After that I was determined to be better! Eventually I became the guilds Maintank representative in our MC co-run and had Lonefox, Montag and Serenity healing me. We spent 6 to 8 hours in there. Man was it fun! Miss all you guys <3

LOL…I think I corrected it

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Lots of old surge wow but lots still missing :frowning:

Surge / Affinityish
Playing on Stalagg Alliance (Pixelshader / Visseck)

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I do! It’s been so long. I’m down for making a character on Thunderfury. Might be a little slow in leveling due to school but it’s better than nothing.

Hey Missionman! I played Redmann the holy paladin in Clan Battlehammer

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Redmann, holy paladin from CBH

Recarnate OG FH-er here!

Tyranny did Suck
FH was and always will be cool :wink:
F*ck Manifest Destiny :smiley:

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The only correct BG position is in the middle of the Horde group, seal of commanding everything and screaming into mumble.

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We ran away from the queue monster and are now located on Heartseeker!

All are welcome.


I’m still contact with a few people from Hotz, only two who came back to classic.

Eternalight - Human Pally
Lunitic - NE Warrior
Bloodskalp - Human Rogue

I see a lot of familiar names and remember a lot of great times wpvp

Scoric of Burning Blade NE Hunter and

  • Still going strong on Korgath server these days in BFA

  • Let’s get this CLASSIC thing going!

Mcwanger, Resto Shaman. I was Alliance. Guilds - Redeemed and Manifest Destiny, and Aegis of Fire (Horde). If anyone remembers me, add me or hit me up on Benediction horde side. New Character is Doompigeon. I’d love to get back together with some of my friends. When I went horde much much later, in WotLK, I was in Aegis of Fire.

Anyone happen to remember me? Full T6 + 6.5 Resto shaman?

are you alliance?

Name: Gravis, Race: Human, Class: Mage
Guild: Surge & Defiance
People trying to find: Lustral, World

Hellicon I remember you, Gravis here