Burning Blade Alliance Reconnections

Lazek!!! remember me, its Gravis

I’m horde atm, but I was alliance on Burning Blade. I actually played a bit on horde for WotLK and joined Aegis of Fire.

Eragonbladez-bb, Night Elf hunter and Aryä Human Priest, still play till this date, was in few guild back then but spent mostly guildless, best thing so far was this forum,

Hey Pilsner! Remember drunk fishing with you. I believe where were in the same guild. I played a NE Hunter Dramek with my druid wife Risusa.

hey pal. remember coming over to my house in 2005ish for wow lan? I was malignity. neat to see you still exist.

Super late to this party, however, if your looking to reconnect with myself Darkwing/Hendav or my pops Pantaero we are playing alliance Incendius. My battlenet ID is Darkwing #1394 hope to reconnect with some of the old crew.

habeebti Human female priest
Originally in Dawn of Chaos but my son ninja’d something in scholo when it was a 40 man raid and i got kicked
Was in Defiance, Relapse, and then excelcis?
I remember a lot of the names here from Battlegrounds, world ganking, hillsbrad and of course raiding

hello all

Lazek! How you been man? Haven’t seen you in a decade! CFLC represent!! haha- You still around the area?

I remember you!

sanarthas of tyranny pally here looking to link up with good ol burning blade

Hi friends,

I used to play as a Human Pally by the name of Crystallcori. A painstaking process of getting my old account means that I know the first few characters of names of several of the people I used to play with:

  • Muktar
  • Lortte…
  • Outkaz…
  • Tempest,
  • Velshyr?
  • Yorksh…

Anyway, I miss you guys and if there is any tiny chance that you’re around, please let me know.

Oh! I should also include my battle.net ID is sixsilver#1151 and my discord is crybaby_core#9656

Clix - human female warlock

I was in tyranny later on near AQ and eventually Vaders Fist. but dang before that i cannot remember some of these guilds.

Kamariana - Retribution

(Searching for Preme, also of Retribution!)

damn i was in ascended too, where kite and crazydoo and shinta at lol

Idk if anyone here ever remembers playing with me

Lorenta (Human combat rogue)
Keyko (Belf pally)
Angriem (Nelf Warrior)

I used to play with people from the guild

The Galaxy Aces

it was a bunch of my sisters bf’s friends IRL. They screwed me over I was the MT for naxx 25 and they gave Last Laugh to one of their IRL friends a warrior dps. Idk maybe my bis was something else, I never checked now that I’m good at the game but I always thought that was f’d.
I left that guild and joined another, can’t remember for the life of me. Pretty sure these next few people I named were in TFB and I joined on my rogue and did a few ulduars and TOC’s with a few people. Can’t remember who I raided ICC w/ on my pally but I know we did heroic and I vividly remember solo healing ICC 10 man heroic saurfang.

Played with a bunch of boys named Thefireman, Themailman, Thepostman, Stallions

I remember doing 2’s in tbc on my rogue with this gnome lock, man idk who you were but you were a champ for sticking out 2’s for points every week with some dumb 14 y.o who was really mediocre at the game, major props man. That’s what this community is missing, people who played to play and had fun even if they weren’t #1.

Heyyy i remember you.

Hi! I just got to the party, but I’m Neutralizer - pvp warlock extraordinaire! hahaha Me and my irl friend legit just talked about Regnum Irae & HoTz yesterday =o

I don’t know how I missed this reply five years ago (I blame COVID) but yes!



I logged into Bnet and had a notification for this thread, damn nostalgia man. <3 for anyone out there still kicking.

Necro’ing this since I didn’t play the 2019 classic, but I did roll up for the 20th Anniversary servers. Helicon, I was Nycterelis, NE rogue in Archaic with you. Some of my fondest memories of MC is your sass after a wipe. Hope you’re well.