Burning Blade Alliance Reconnections

Hey you guys… Skeram eh?

NE rogue
Shady Business/Pankeks/Pretense mostly
We’re setting up on Herod ally, with Incendius ally as a backup.

Hey what’s up guys? Been a long time but time also flies. Classic in ~4 hours, 20min as I type this. I wasn’t sure if I’d be playing again and left preparations to the last minute. Anywho, I’ll probably be playing Horde Shaman on Faerlina, unless I change my mind last second. Maybe I’ll roll an alt on Herod Alliance. I’ll see.

Alicea the healer here lol

oh i remember the hotz n dotz days

I was always in awe of you in IF and years later named a warlock in your honor. Crazy to see all the old “faces” here

Hi all. Crazy to see so many people again after all these years.

I mainly played in the 49 twink bracket back in the day. I remember there was a big surge when a group of horde 39s moved up to 49 and it was epic while it lasted. I’m sure nobody remembers me but it’s crazy just to see all the people I have grouped with, dueled against, explored with or just followed in IF and drooled at their gear

Falkor - human warrior
Redarmy - NE Hunter
Felstrike - gnome rogue

Izzual / Blackroze

Played both horde and alliance. Several various guilds in vanilla, played with Titans (BC) and Manifest Destiny (WotLK). Hope everyone’s doing well.


Whatcillo - Dwarf Priest
Ramera - Gnome Warrior
Anticucho - Gnome Mage

Guild: Demise


Tyranny is up and running on Stalagg! None of the old crew besides myself and BungalowBill.

All are welcome and I promise not to be a dick.

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I was going to login and start later tonight but I hear that the Stalagg queues are insane - is that the case? If so I may look at Ashkandi instead.

It was like the bad old times last night. Has been smooth today though.

sup bby its stars

wow, the old days… Im on Pagle I cant do that pvp realm. I broke way to many keyboards over that kind of crazy. Its torture to be camped for an hour especially now when I have such a small amount of time to play.

Thorius you do sound familiar.

Figured I’d add my name to the list.

Played as the following: Falorn - Rogue, Celira - Druid, Atreuce - Hunter, Clevis - Mage.

Was in Clan Battlehammer for the longest, and I believe I hopped to Vaders Fist. It’s been too long to remember anything else.

Kreese, and Pibble ran CBH - and those were some of the best times back then.

I’m Atreuce#1294 on bnet if any oldies find me, and want to reconnect.

Magikstick - 60 Paladin.

Mainly the wpvp starter. Really shined in TBC though.

Old guilds were RoL then TFB for the rest of my classic career. Quit after TBC.

Looking for some old friends:

Many others I can’t seem to remember!

Hit me up if we used to play together!

Vieuxlaid - Human Warlock

Was in the Praetorian Guard for a while

Hey Beldinna remember me from High Council? FinalChapter, TheGold and Ironxd and dagerrun are playing together on Thalnos. I have been trying to play with them but the queues are IN-SANE. Might consider Thunderfury. Add TheGold and he can add you to the vanilla buddies group on bnet: thegold#1101

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Ok so anyone fedup with not being able to play each night and want to go to a lower (HIGH rather than FULL) pop server? Im thinking of going to Thunderfury – any takers?

Missionman, PVP/PVE Ret Pally, was one of the first and few to make Ret viable in vanilla 40 mans. Also World PVP a lot, was unliked on the horde side to the point of having a bounty placed on my head. Most of the time it ended up just getting my guild members ganked lol.

Played Ret up until I quit/retired in 2011-2012 timeframe. Originally was in Clan Battlehammer until disband and a Raiding guild called Exodus , I believe was the name but I can’t remember for sure.

Just toying with the idea of coming back to wow. Looking for old guild members or anyone that remembers me that I used to play with. Missionman#11347