Burning Blade Alliance Reconnections

Holy $h@t Burning Blade, miss you all.

Oolan - Dwarf Warrior
Guild: Surge (Appearances in TFB, AoF, and plenty others throughout my time visiting every clown town on BB <3 )

If you have a memory with me or remember us playing at all please reply, I would love to connect with you all again (or for the first time). I will be rolling Alliance on Herod with a combination of members from Surge and Aegis of Fire +)

Shout out to Praetorian Syndicate boys, anyone out there? Goobey where you at Senpai?

See you in Classic

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Whats up Goo.

Surge > Manifest Destiny tho

See you dawg

Thorius - Human Pally

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I was in Legends on my human paladin Thorius. I was a bit casual back then.

hello burning blade people, i am here with my 3 other best friend witch we are planning to rejoin some of the old school guildies from back in the days and hoping to re connect with those old folks that we left behind.

Sabitito - Night Elf Hunter
Chilenita or ChileCL - human warrior
back from BB (Absolution) ( Eternal Life ), ( war cry ) ( Seeker elite Guards) ,( Mystical Knights )
(mayhem) - ( vaders fist )

For those playing Stalagg Alliance, we’ll have 10-12 folks guided up. Currently at one tank, 3 heals, and 7 DPS confirmed.

All classes and play types welcome. Feel free to add me at zorander#1968.

See you all on Monday!

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I’ve got Falumir, Zaracen, Twinkie, Azander, and myself (Lifebane) in a guild with about 20 members also on Stalagg Alliance. Maybe we can set up an old school MC raiding alliance later on.

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Ooooo. Interesting. :thinking:

So many people i recognize here lol.

Saccente- Dwarf Warrior
Dradrega- 29 twink rogue

Was in a few guilds Absolution, Onslaught is what i remember.

Also i forget the name of the twink guild but Frostshotz was the guild lead.

I remember a priest of that name! My friend played a priest and would talk about you

Arrybaby!! <3

miss you!


Affinity/ I dont remember/ pankeks

Cramerr here, I was a night elf rogue… miss my old Affinity & Pankeks homies, and everyone else on the server I used to PvP with! Hit me up on discord Cramer#5712

Domo, was wondering about most of those names as well, still havent seen them post. I still talk to Awleenbaby quite a bit, working on getting him to play classic.

Hey guys Captinplanet here, played with you for a while I ran a hunter what servers you playing on looks like a lot of the old gang is coming back hit me up on discord danimal112000#5634

damn its good to see so many old names I remember coming back ill also be making a return played captinplanet a huntard hit me up on discord danimal112000#5634

Name: Beldinna - NE Disc Priest later changed to Human Priest.
Guild(s): Blacksheep, High Council

Remembered cohorts: Finalchapter, Bloodletter, Roek, Dino, Gene.

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It’s Allaris also known as Berenthas later on. Sup Legends peeps and others. Hicat you’re awesome, I just remember that. Sup Smelli. I am planning on rolling priest this time around, not sure if you are tanking Zerith but I might be trying to play on Herod as well pending queue times.

Theo, we are making characters on Skeram! Eway, me, Zafira, etc.