GreenGoo I remember sometimes questioning your positioning in BGs
Hey Auondril here from vanilla TFB! What server will you guys be playin on?
-Thegold Human Warrior
-Officer of High Council
-Looking for any of the old HC crew.
Whats up Aurelius long time no see? Dagerun, Ambulance, Snipeysnipe/Phik, Ironxed, Ganner, Finalchapter and I are rolling Alliance on Thalnos US East PVP if you or anyone wants to join us.
Shamanfun/Seymort - Eternal Life
Going to be playing on Whitemane, Horde, and Skeram, Alliance.
Hey!!! Thats awesome! Ok Coming to Thalnos – Aurelius is taken so Going with Aureliux – Tell the gang and Finalchapter I say hello!! Used to play with him all the time.
Anyone know what happened to Dino? I quit in 2007 Then played a bit in Legion on a mage still on BB alliance – Astrezia.
Awesome man look forward to playing with you again! Add me on bnet thegold#1101 we have a classic WoW group going on there so you can say hi yourself
Not sure what happened to Dino and a lot of the HC gang. My friends list got deleted at some point and I lost contact with a bunch of people
Oh my god reading through this has me so nostalgic! Like Arry, omg hi!
Serraphina here, though I played mostly BC and beyond.
Denied Society, Raiders of Light, Pankeks, and messing around in Trade Chat.
What’s up Glock
My Ign was Cybeine, NE hunter.
Looking for Piye , NE druid.
Katiewarrior, warrior
bassiny, NE hunter
Nate, warrior.
Dazarus Human Paladin
Dazzywazzy Dwarf Paladin
Relapse, Surge, Defiance
Alliance on Stalagg is the move!
Anyone else playing over there?
I remember you Bil!
I was a rogue, Enemyzero in Demise for a long time after being in Chaos Requiem and then afterwards Paper Street Soup Co where I still am now!
Gonna make a classic rogue again!
I remember the name for sure.
Yup - Stalagg is where it’s at. CR will be up and running again. Good to see some of the old crew coming back to Vanilla. Hope life has treated everyone well.
Fite, lvl 60 gnome warlock, forget guild name. Also had a twink 29 nelf rogue named Grossclout…many people thought I hacked 8-P. Had a human paladin named Migumi. My brother was a human rogue named Vlaara, and my other brother was a nelf hunter named Idaru.
Denziburk - gnome mage. Played mainly with The United and Destined. Happy to recognize a lot of names here. Going horde on Stalagg myself.
Hey was your brother in Defiance?
Lifebane of The Family Business here. I’ll be on Stalagg Alliance for Classic. Looking forward to playing with some of you again, a decade and a half later.
Holy crap, that’s a blast from the past. I remember standing around Area 52 with you in BC testing weird incinerate animations.
Theodan - warrior from Demise. What server are you guys rolling on?