The phattest of all dwarfs <3
Do not forget Unholy Dynasty and maybe Corrupted Destiny!
Those were the years, I got a SS of aven in the group for FLK when I was in Defiance and I think he was there for the Vashj kill.
I just threw it into my photo bucket like I said get at me on the Herod discord server and I will post it. Im good bruh, I dont need to get lunch with you, Im good. We all just thought it was hilarious so I hit print screen and uploaded it with the pic of our vasj kill into my photobucket.
We have a group of old FH / Surge players rolling on Herod Alliance.
Hope to see many of you there.
Discord contact: Lazek#1743
Yeah, I think I remember that sorta. Been so long man.
I didn’t raid at all outside of KZ, I was done with it. I know that Aven played quite a bit longer than me, I tried to reconnect with him in Cata? We had a pretty excellent relationship when we played together but I lost touch. I really haven’t played WoW longer than a month or two for each expansion past TBC. I really missed the server community without sharding etc… ever since then I’ve tried out every other expansion and just lose interest.
Pitcha - dwarf priest - raiders of light my entire vanilla career. Great to see some old names! Btag - Cookie#1998 discord - Cody #4467 would love to reconnect!
Probably? I think Phobophile and wenettibby were in the guild.
Hey Elorelira, this is Sleepy from MD>Ataraxia>MD. Good to see a familiar name on here. Saw Shadowdemon on another post as well.
Hey Shadow, this is Sleepy from MD>Ataraxia>MD. It’s been a while.
probably still in the duelist bracket
Remember a Rogue named Hellbilly?
Guild - Natural Selection
Huntaninja = hunter for only 8 months in classic
Healzcomin my priest for end of classic and bc times.
I played alliance for every expansion still on BB. ill be Horde on Herod for new release. hope to see some of you as competitors or for the horde.
yo, i somehow know your name…FattyMcFat…i think we leveled together back in the day. I think I was either on Dradicus or even Cryptonite. Dradicus was a NE Druid.
I DO. Were you a night elf rogue? Pretty sure you were in archaic with me. I played a pally named Sexay or a hunter named Goobz. Helicon sounds familiar as well. Moondra sounds familiar i think i was in denied society as well.
Played as Kaijin on Burning Blade in Raiders of Light. Glad to see a lot of familiar names in this thread.
Odysseuz - Human Paladin
Guild - Swift Deliverance
Paladin – officer at High Council and occasional raid leader in MC. Then joined Denied Society for BWL.
Our warrior MT in High Council – Stoneform almost quit when I had more DKP than him and deservedly won Bonereavers Edge off Rag. Smashed a lot of horde faces with that sword and won quite a few duels outside of Ironforge.
Where is everyone playing?? You guys sure you want to play on Herod? Why not Stalagg for less queue time.
Man, this is hilarious. It’s like a high school reunion.
Rustyspoonz was my rogue,
Krispykreme was my paladin,
I played in guilds such as Iron Men, Obsidian Sky, among others. Going to be playing horde to start but will do alliance as well eventually. ONe more week woooo!
Wheres Brootus!?