Bug report but I feel it's being ignored

The issue I reported:
At level 70 there is no option to unlock Torghast etc - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Does anyone here have any contacts with the dev team to confirm this is a bug or is it setup this way to force us who leveled in Dragonflight 1-70 to go through the story to unlock Torghast, and Zereth Mortis even if we did it on another character when Shadowlands was current?

They only people that have contact with the dev’s are the CM’s but as far as i am aware of they just pass feedback along to the dev’s.

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The blues here won’t really comment on any given bug report, mainly due to Q&A often keep to themselves unless they put out a statement.

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As Teerza said in your thread, it’s intentional that Threads of Fate is disabled. So it’s more of a suggestion you want it back which you can submit through the ingame box or at an appropriate forum.


Yes but that wasn’t confirmed by a dev or a blue, I honestly cannot believe they would do something like that at max level. So here I am. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can ask in GD but CS wouldn’t have any info on this.


At level 70, have you chosen your covenant? Have you started the covenant specific campaign. Did you talk with Tal’Inara in oribos afterwards and select the bypass option so that everything is unlocked? Did you complete the full campaign through the 4 different zones of Shadowlands as that is required before you can get Threads of Fate from the Fate Scribe in Oribos.


The link in Forumcat’s post is directly from a Blizzard Support answer stating that Threads of Fate has been disabled. That is an official answer.


I am stuck on the storyline so there is no option yet to select a covenant so it sort of thinks I am not max level which I why I filed a bug report. :wink:

I completed the campaign on another character so I should be able to select a covenant but I am not which should solve the entire problem but alas im locked out of it.

I believe that’s what everyone’s trying to emphasize-- with Threads of Fate retired for leveling purposes, this is no longer an option for players to skip the campaign. Characters must now go through the campaign on each character in order to select a covenant.

To join a Covenant, you must have completed the Shadowlands campaign. Being level 60 is not enough.

This article was updated a month ago and there’s no mention of alternate character completion.


I get it, it’s just a very harsh penalty for having leveled in DF only for the soul purposes of doing old content for cometic items. Sigh I guess I will figure something out.

I respect that, but that’s a far cry from this whole thing being a bug as you keep trying to hammer away at.


Well it certainly felt like a bug before I saw this information.

Do you mean that you cannot progress in the SL storyline? If so, where are you stuck?

I can progress in the story, not stuck there. I just don’t feel like I should have to since before DF or the pre-patch it wasn’t necessary. The change to that is just down right wicked and punishing for us who leveled 1-70 in DF :frowning:

It’s not a punishment. There isn’t any malicious intent involved. Please stop with that. The whole Threads of Fate was an alt friendly option when Shadowlands was current. They even said it will go away when the next expansion would be launched.


Filing a bug report will not provide your feedback about this. QA will determine if there is a bug or if it’s working as intended. As it is working as intended, nothing will come from filing a bug report.


Well apparently this is a bug.

Shadowlands alt skips removed? - Gameplay / Quests - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

I never implied it was malicious, I do agree it is very punishing to through the entire story line at max level which I feel and thus others agree it was not intended.,

The CS forum really isn’t here for debate what it or isn’t something. If you want something to change, follow the link Rufflebottom posted. You already made a bug report, so nothing else can be done.


I would concede it being a bug if it were a simple matter of some level 60s having the option vs others not, but no one’s yet come forth with any data regarding how many of the characters that do have the option have already begun the Shadowlands campaign vs not. So far, every instance of people not having access on level 60+ characters has already started the campaign.

My current stance is that these are two different situations.

Any characters who have already chosen Threads of Fate prior to Dragonflight will be able to finish it. However, characters who never initiated Threads of Fate will be restricted only to the zone-by-zone Covenant campaign for Shadowlands.

I do want to emphasize that I’m not actively trying to convince you that you and a good chunk of others are wrong, its just that the information we have so far from the developers via these support articles makes it sound to me like it’s all working as its intended to now that DF is current.