[Bug] Auto-loot is not working 100% of the time

Still having this issue August 28, no addons. Also can confirm what Bethwing said about auto-loot failing on containers


I too, and having the same issue. It seems completely random as well.


I’m having the same issue; it does not autoloot when gathering herbs. Of note that this isn’t a problem when using herbalism on defeated mobs, just when picking actual herbs.

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I’m having a large number of auto-loot failures. If I re-click on whatever it is it seems to auto-loot the second time. The loot-a-rang I have on many of my alts never seems to fail to auto-loot.

Is there a key I could be pressing that can cause it not to auto-loot?

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I think SHIFT is the default auto-loot interupt, so maybe. But there is more likely a serious synchronization issue with the server and the client is what is happening here.

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Happening to me too, very inconsistent auto looting. It’s existed for a long time but got much worse in TWW. I’m not using any addons.

Actually, auto-loot fails about 1/3 of the time for me, whether I am looting a corpse, quest item, resource node, loot chest, or any other item with a “loot window”. It affects ALL of these. I am about to turn off Auto-loot and just use Shift. This QoL issue is a minor one of all the ones out there, such as how I lost everything in my 7 tabs of personal Guild Bank after the August 13 patch. However, this is just one of a whole series of issues relating to pre-expansion patch and TWW itself. I think I have posted more bug reports from July, 2024 up to the Present time than the previous 6 years combined. FYI if any1 wants to view the posting of my afore-mentioned GB loss, here’s the forum posting for both US and EU, as this is a worldwide issue.


autoloot decides when it wants to work or not work; most of the time it doesnt.

how about fixing actual bugs instead of nerfing irrelevant stuff?


Got this same problem. It is messing up several times a hour. Very annoying.

I find the issue tends to happen to me the most when I immediately click the final enemy I’ve killed to loot, basically the instant after it dies. Being in melee, this is a pretty snap reflex. On my ranged alts, the issue occurs far less frequently because I’m needing to close distance to wherever things died.

Shadowlands herb gathering … Turned off for herbs, but works for mob looting.
Bet it is to catch bots…

Definitely feels like this could be a WoW version of captcha. I’ve noticed it still randomly happens in the wild.

This is starting to feel like it is deliberate, not a bug.

As others have suggested, it might be a anti-bot measure but if it is, it is hurting players because bot creators/users will just make a slight change to double loot.

It is annoying to be gathering, looting a chest or finish a fight, and go to get your loot and it just sits there so you have to manually click on it again.

Not fun.


Well, a few more updates and maintenances, and the problem remains. I noticed one additional thing since my last post. If I do NOT manually loot, and walk away, the loot window closes and the herbs end up being mailed to me. So somewhere, in the guts of the system, something is being recognized.

However, having the game work as it should would be best. Maybe they shouldn’t have rushed out with a new expansion before getting the rest of the game to work correctly.

Also is holding left and right mouse button to move not working properely related ?

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I have been noticing that there is a hitch when flying using both mouse buttons lately, I thought it was just my system.

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Still happens to me every 3 or 4 kills and occasionally while mining. Super annoying.


Also having the issue of auto-loot not always working. Very frustrating when I’m trying to be quick inside delves or when gathering.


I’m having this same issue. Mainly inside instances, like delves

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Yeah a few hours of mouse operation and lubed up mouse switches the problem is gone, so odd though only in wow i was having button issues.