[Bug] Auto-loot is not working 100% of the time

I’m playing an alt in Pandaria and when I pick an herb node that she have never picked before, I get the pop-up window and need to click on the loot. I have “auto loot” checked in he controls, and set “Loot Key” to “none” and it still makes me manually loot there node.

This was NOT happening to other characters the other day when I was picking herbs in Pandaria.

I turned off all add-on’s and the problem still exists.


Same issue here


I am seeing this as well. Sometimes it works. Seems to randomly happen. The large groups or garrison resources don’t always trigger it, but they seem to trigger it most often.


Also experiencing this, was annoyed enough that I disabled auto loot and got an autolooter add on. Turns out to be much faster, too.


Adding my voice with a possible reason: Whenever it happens to me, it’s always after killing at least two mobs with the same name, and having them both drop the same, stackable item (ie, killing two Salamanthers and having them both drop Cracked Scales).

It doesn’t happen every time, but when it happens, it’s always following that situation for me.


It happens deterministically in the garrison herb garden. Every single herb, every day. Ive looted using both the interact key and just by clicking. I pause and give it several seconds. It simply wont auto loot at all in the herb garden.


Yup i have been doing the garrisons herbs as well, and it’s not auto looting.


As of 8/21 this issue remains


I am having this issue too


I am still experiencing this since the patch, and after numerous maintenances.


Ongoing issue in TWW as well. Dangerous mining nodes and this bug do NOT play well together


yeah this is still happening, say you pull a large number of creatures sometimes the loot window appears and you have to click on each item as if auto loot was disabled.

Yeah, another issue that happened all through beta (and I think would sometimes happen on live in DF), and now happens on live even more frequently than before. Sometimes it’s just slow to start taking the stuff from the loot window, and sometimes it works fine, but frequently it will just sit there, and I have to click everything manually.

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Agreed about lacking consistency. I think it’s server lag messing it up. Not only does auto-loot have mixed results, basic combat hits snags where I need to repress a key.

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Well, we’ve had maintenance, updates, and now a whole new expansion. And guess what . . . aww, you guessed right . . . the problem has still not gone away. No auto loot on that same character in the herb garden. They’ll now be too busy fixing expansion bugs to worry about this. sighs


As of 8/27, not only is this not fixed but it now seems even worse. Every other loot attempt that I make does not “click” and I have to either manually loot those items, or cancel and attempt again.

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I’m seeing this as well. About 10-25% of the time it either doesn’t auto loot, or it loots the first few items then stops and I have to scroll and loot the rest manually. Doesn’t seem to coincide with any sort of lag either.

I am having the same issue too. It’s not constant, but I noticed it. I think it has to do with the lag more than anything. It’s very laggy in a lot of spots, especially if I try to run two different accounts at the same time, which I never had a problem with.

It seems to occur when ever I loot a mob and it has something new that I have never looted before.

In my case it’s not just this. It’s simply looting, in general. I could be looting an enemy, a chest, a locked container… any of it will possibly fail to auto-loot.