Buff X45 Heartbreaker MORE

I got the “Fool for Love” achievement in 2010, ran the Crowne Chemical Company instance on multiple toons every day, every year since then, and I have never seen a Love Rocket drop for any group I was in. So while a guarantee would be nice, just a realistic drop chance would be appreciated.


It’s ridiculous that you have to farm a single mount for over a decade.

And that issue is still not solved with this buff until it applies to every kill, and not 1 a day.


If it wasn’t tied to a once a day drop it might mean something. If this was something that you could run multiple times and have it drop from a boss, it would be alright.


Yes please, moar please


if i get it to drop from the regular rate box can i brag about it or is it too late since its so easy to get now from the buffed box?

Instead of a “follow -up” , please use the council, ask the members about their point of view. The solution that took a year to be implemented doesn’t fix the core issues mentioned by Reward Devs.

  • Event isn’t fun
  • Doing as many alts as possible isn’t a great experience.

It’s about time that Devs talk about Rewards in general with players, Cosmetics, Events, Vault, Catalyst…etc

You didn’t even provided the drop % for the first attempt.


Sadly, 1. They barely make use of the council. 2. I don’t think there’s a lot of collectors in there.


I know Artemisha is doing 62 attempts per day and she’s around 2.8k attempts, but I don’t blame any member for not posting anything, since Devs doesn’t reply at all or participate from their own feedback tool idea.

Just for example:

Or Letholas providing the feedback that the mount should be farmable for any character level, instead of moving the level each expansion.

Devs didn’t even did a proper follow-up to the post provided by Halite regarding the mount:

that’s the best thread about this mount with council members providing a lot of scenarios, pros and cons…etc but 0 Devs response.

That’s why there’s also post from CC members about not being heard, it just changed the council idea to be a GD forum with less players.

It seems like Devs can only focus on the current expansion and left behind everything else, this change to the mount seems like a last minute idea, also I expected some new PvP brawl for holidays, worldquest, bosses or some further gameplay just like other games provide.

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It’s incredibly frustrating to know we’re not being heard, even the council members. I thought that was the whole point of the council.

I wouldn’t be suprised if it was. 1 full year to brainstorm this and this is all they could come up with. In the meantime they share 0 info until a few days before the event starts, so some of us did not get our alts up in the hopes it’s now a better drop chance, and others leveled all their alts to 60 before the event started and basically got a big F you to the face with the change only affecting the 1st kill of the day.


Community council didn’t work and I don’t get why they want to add new members since Devs can’t even reply or create threads due to their schedules or they just don’t want to participate on the forums.

I didn’t trust them because of their lack of information and the last minute announcements, so I had to level up 10 alts during the last weekend :melting_face: , several threads in the council also mentioned that leveling each new expansion adds another layer of frustation to this grind

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I was hopeful when I saw the changes to the World Bosses, which had a similar awful drop chance… (0.04%)



Difference :thinking: a massive bug happened with Evoker, that’s the answer.

Devs just drastically reacted to that bug and fixed something that a lot of players asked for changes for years, even when I already had the 4 mounts, I did post about reducing the spawn time since it’s a massive time sink to wait for each WB spawn, some CC members mentioned the MoP WBs on the old threads when this feedback mechanic was implemented but all those inputs ignored, a bug was required for some action there.

If I get the rocket, I’ll still ask for changes, there’s players that “value” when the game makes you waste time, but I don’t get that, a lot of things in the game should be engaging and fun.

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said no woman EVER

Nothing in this game should be less than 1%. If I can only kill a boss one time per day for loot, then why are you making it a .03% chance to drop.


I dunno why some people feel like every RNG drop should have the same drop rate. I’m not one of them. Some stuff’s got a lower drop rate than other stuff. So what? Why’s it all gotta be the same? Especially if most of these collectibles are nothing more than checkmarks on a list, which goes double for mounts. You get one you like the look of, and no matter what other ones you collect you’re still using a mount you probably got years ago. What’s it matter how long it takes you to get the other ones?

Low drop chances are fine when they’re still reasonably obtainable. Timereaver for example, is another extremely low drop chance (I believe it was estimated at 1/4000?), but Timewalking events occur much more often.

Heartbreaker is 15 days a year.

That’s just not reasonable.


Well RNG isn’t only the drop rate value but also the attempts available, this is really low for only 15 days, that’s why over the years players used as much alts as possible as a way to fight odds for several mounts. Something can be really low, but if you can do infinite attempts in a really short term, then it gets easier to grind, maybe it’ll cause burn out that’s where the “fun” part should be consider by the designer.

So, not every mount drop rate should be the same but it should consider the amount of attempts available for each player, I’ll suggest even considering players that only play 1 character as minimum.

I got a lot of mounts and actually I use all as favorites, there’s different players and some players like a mount for the color like the whole “there’s not enough pink tmogs in game thread” that was posted on CC forums and replied by Devs which was addressed via Trading post.

I’d love to find an addon or the implementation of favorites per character, so I can have a set of specific mounts for each tmog/character…etc

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To speak for myself, this defo causes burnout. Last year I quit halfway through because it just sucked that much. That “unfun” part of this farm hasn’t been solved.

That’d be awesome.

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Maybe, I’ll have to quit next week, since I´ve a business trip, I could do some runs but I won’t have the same amount of time or energy.

Not all collectors are like that…I have wanted the Love Rocket from the very first time I seen it in game in 2010 when it first came out…I finally got it last year…I now have the best two mounts in the game…The Love Rocket :rocket: and the Magic Rooster Egg mount :chicken:…I use the Rooster mount when grounded …all the time had Rooster since WoD…