Buff warrior - remove titans grip penalty

Fury is a 1-2 which is what those parses represent.

I was thinking Yama

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This is true, just remember running into a ton of guilds that only let their feral tank bosses “because they were better” while ignoring that they did way more DPS than the prot paladin they had for trash/adds that was also fully capable of tanking the boss.

My guild usually did the opposite, and had me tank stuff until the boss hit hard enough to warrant the Feral’s DR cap and higher health pool.

In the classic series? I’ve found people reroll a hell of a lot more than they did the first time around, because we know ahead of time what the meta classes will be.

Oh, the vast majority of them certainly would these days now that “if you aren’t playing the best class you are playing the game wrong” is the average gamer mindset.

Look at where Fury warrior was in early Naxx compared to where it is now. It’s in a way, way better position, and that even with more bosses skewing casters upward heavily, and a boss that cripples warriors particularly mixed in.

Fury is going to keep moving up the pole positions. It already competes just fine on the meters, because “bottom” isn’t by enough to make it uncompetitive.

So terrible that it’s the only tank other than prot paladin used in high end speed running.

But wait… If it’s used in some of the most optimized groups possible, maybe it isn’t terrible, and the differences between tanks is largely not a big deal?

Nah, ret was also horribly behind in Naxx, which was all undead. We don’t get all that much from an undead/demon target. Sims for future phases are flagged for undead/demons, and ret still Sims among the worst without Shadowmourne (and would flatly be the worst without Shadowmourne and the buff we got).

Not coming. According to blizzard, that’s your PvP spec, and they have no desire to make it PvE viable because you already have a PvE viable DPS spec in Fury.

You clearly haven’t looked at top parse differences between warrior and rets. Warriors already have about a 1k DPS advantage there over ret.

And that’s the thing, before the buffs, ret wasn’t being brought equally as fury. Fury had like a 60% representation advantage over ret on Algalon/Yogg 0 before the buffs.

There’s very little value in extra paladins after 2 holy paladins are in your raid (or a holy and prot). Buffs are largely already fully covered, and bosses don’t deal damage that needs DSac/Aura Mastery often enough to need more than 2.

So, what you are saying is that Fury on average is a “bring at least 1” spec, as it has matching representation to a different spec you bring at least one of…

So… Fury is fine?

I dunno, he’s fixated on you and his name seems to fit with his hatred of Americans lol

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I do bring out the best in people

Dudes still spouting the scaling myth as if it isn’t painfully clear warriors are in the same place as they were in naxx in the rankings

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We’re just going by what blizzard said

Which has been thoroughly shown to be wrong. They thought warriors would scale, we aren’t.

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I mean even the ICC sims have you scaling.

They should just remove Titan’s Grip.

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Only with shadowmourne

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Not really true.

Even without it you are going to be middle of the pack.

With it your top five

Incorrect, will be right where we are now

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And what happened the first time, and sim data, and what fury DPS has already done with gear, and private server data

.but all that is a myth because it doesn’t fit the “I want to be S+ tier now!” Narrative.

“has already done”

Done what? Fury hasn’t moved in the rankings

If you think that, you haven’t been paying attention.

Just looked at the rankings this week and see fury below frost mage

Citation needed

Stop including fights that give mages a 200% damage boost maybe?

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Vezax is about to be removed from logs also.

The point is they are in the dumps just the same as P1. Bottom tier with Ret and Balance druids.

Meanwhile Paladins have S tier tank and heal specs while druids have what will become the best DPS spec in the game in ICC (fire mage munch fix pending)